Abortion so daughter family doesn't kick her out, her dfed, etc.

by EndofMysteries 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    It's sad that someone is thinking bout that because of fear of being cast out by family. I don't know this person, but a mutual aquaintence who knows I was a JW told me. I'm going to try to relay info to help them. I think it's wrong no matter what.

    How do many of you feel bout abortion? Please also state if you believe in God or not.

  • mrsjones5

    It's none of your business. Stay out of it.

  • NewChapter

    There are many children already born in desperate need of help. Perhaps you could lend a hand with them. The other is a private matter, your information is secondhand, it is a stranger to you, and enough people are already involved.

  • wobble

    The only thing I might do in such circumstances is urge the young lady to get proper professional counselling before she makes the decision.

    Obviously, after the event you cannot undo it. Many women do regret their decision, not all ,by any means, but it must be a comfort to know that you fully considered all the options, and examined your own motives, before going ahead.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    All I can say is I know many women myself included who had unplanned children. Not one of them regretted not having an abortion.

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    I think it's wrong no matter what.

    I was disfellowshipped for supporting my 14 year old daughters' decision not to have the child of her rapist. As a family we would have survived this tragedy but for the Elders poking their nose in.

    As mrs Jones says "It is none of your business stay out of it"

    Yes I believe in God and their are scriptures in the OT where he punished women by causing them to have abortions or would you prefer the more sesitive term miscarriages and none that condemn it

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Yes I believe in God and their are scriptures in the OT where he punished women by causing them to have abortions or would you prefer the more sesitive term miscarriages and none that condemn it

    Erm, I hope you're not suggesting that God causes miscarriages?

  • nugget

    This young lady is facing a difficult and life changing dilema. She needs space to rationally weigh up her choices and as has been suggested she needs professional help.

    Not knowing all the circumstances I would be uncomfortable giving advice and she also needs to be fully aware of the long term consequences of any decision she makes. This is never as simple as an abortion or not and when people are panicing they do not fully appreciate that sometimes they have reached rock bottom and started to dig.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    depends on how old the embryo is. no biggie if it's just a few cells. i don't understand why one's belief should matter.

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    Erm, I hope you're not suggesting that God causes miscarriages?

    No I am not sugesting that But there is definately one instance in the bible where he did as a punishment I'm sure others will know the scripture I am not able to look it up for you at present My point is that there are no scriptural laws in the old testament that consider the life of the foetus sacrosant ( please excuse any spelling errors I am in a net bar and there is no spellcheck on this computer)

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