Dear Governing Body - Why Have you abandoned Preaching Methods That Work?

by LostGeneration 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think it's the matter of accountability. If the WTS broadcasts a national/international message, it is "on the record" -- they can be held accountable. If a couple flaky witnesses going door-to-door say something that is deemed questionalble, it can be written off as a mis-statement of the flaky JW publisher. Consider the 1975 issue. Even the R&F is not real familiar with what was said. What if all the Dist Conv parts were on VIDEO as a recorded TV broadcast? Then you would have all the cases of WT approved GB/DO/CO speakers who made all the SKY FALLING, SKIP COLLEGE, PIONEER, THE END IS UPON US proclamations on tape. Not so easy to say that such things were not rally said. That one's recollection of such statements is exaggerated. Much easier that all testimony is VERBAL by mere publishers who are not a liability risk.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    As strange as it may sound, i think the WT wants to stay low profile.

    In this time of our civilization, higher exposure of non mainstream religions attracts too much questioning.

    And for that sort of questioning by outside populations, there is no rational answer.

    JWs are a religion for themselves. Its an internal religion, an exclusive religion. Oh they make overtures to the 'world' and try weakly to gain fresh converts, but what they really want is growth from within. That keeps questions to a minimum and maintains the control and income.


  • transhuman68

    It's impossible to spread the message on mainstream media that the world is ending soon, without being identified as a kooky cult.

    Maybe they are relying on the e nthusiasm and personality of the publishers to lure individuals into the 'club' or peer group... or religion.

  • Joliette

    Could you imagine the watchtower having a twitter page? Or the GB having a twitter page. OMG the tweets they would get...

  • Joliette

    Miseryloveselder: VERY TRUE! Your best post!

  • Joliette

    I thought the whole thing with the WT was getting the word out. At least Rutherford and Russel had balls. Did Nathan Knorr speak with the media also? Even Milton Henshel. I dont think Fred Franz ever spoke with the media.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Joliette, thats so true... todays leadership are Eunichs.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Several reasons for avoiding use of the modern media in spreading what they purport to believe is a message of the utmost life-and-death urgency: for one, the GB must sense that such methods would place them in a public forum where their core beliefs would be vulnerable to exposure as indefensible. That's explains the uniquely reclusive character of the Governing Body; in contrast with leading figures in other religions, it would be unthinkable for any of them to grant interviews, much less debate, in public media forums.

    Then other reason is that for them, the door-to-door preaching serves as a "busy work" treadmill for the masses of JWs, which keeps them servile and in line; and at least temporarily assuages the guilt feelings heaped upon them relentlessly by the "do more" drumbeat at their meetings.

  • Ding

    I can see it now: "The WTS Television Network proudly presents... The 144,000 Club!"

  • Joliette

    Ding please stop it!!!!


    The 144,000 club.

    That club shoulda been filled a long time ago.

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