Wow this sucks

by ranmac 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sinis

    Well, hell NLW, it sounds like your wife is on board with you. You couldn't ask for anything more!!! You've already on 95% of the battle. As far as the relatives go, or other Dubs, move on and do what is best for you. Fade, just walk away, and do not say anything to incriminate you for DF'ing or DA (unless you want to). Basically, you will be out, no official announcement, and you are free to move on. HTH

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    after my initial "blow out" of leaving the cult, things were pretty dormant for about a year until suddenly all the pressure came on full force because the wrong busy body person in a cong. saw me out having dinner with my friend (yea he is my bf, but to the casual observer, he is just a member of the opposite sex)

    since my two letters to the cong elders explaining that I have done nothing wrong & cease and desist- nothing again....

    I suppose a lot of this pattern is due to CO visits- they happen every six months & sometimes you get a changing of the guard, and a new CO may be strict on following up with inactive ones...I noticed this in my case

    best of luck to you...stand your ground!


  • nolongerwaiting

    sinis - I argee that having my wife out is 95%. Some of our family already knows how we feel and on my side a number of them are actively shunning us already. I'm okay with that and feel like I can move on, but my wife still entertains the idea that she can have a normal relationship with some of her family. The desire not to be DF'd thus limits what we can do. We still feel like we have to sneak around and watch our words around certain people, and can't really decorate the house for a holiday or do other obviously non-JW activities. I know it's a small complaint compared to the circumstances of many on this board, but I think we still have a ways to go before we feel free.


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