Wow this sucks

by ranmac 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • ranmac

    My decision to de-program my mind, about a year ago, has been fairly uneventfull, despite a few intense but very real conversations with my wife and parents.

    However in the past couple days my father has pretty much made it clear to me that he will put the GB (not God, although they are pretty much viewed the same) before me. Also tonight the inlaws, who have probly gotten whiff of my inactivity and who never get personal, started to give a lecture on the extreme importance of the family worship arrangement so lovingly arranged for us by the FDS, and how if we are not taking advantage of this wonderful provision will not be prepared for armagedon. I swear blood was gushing from biting my tounge.

    Im starting to sense that consequences are coming for my sin of independent research and study. For the first time in my life I totally regret getting baptized into this religion.

  • hotspur
    Im starting to sense that consequences are coming for my sin of independent research and study.

    Yep. Freedom and a clean conscience!

  • ranmac


    very true.

    but family division is the worst.

  • Lozhasleft

    Its so cruel this division of families. How do they reconcile such scriptures as 'perfect love throws fear outside' and 'god loves a cheerful giver' ?

    I hope you can escape without too much loss.

    Loz x

  • wobble

    It is not always too dramatic, my family did all of that kind of stuff at first, but they don't mention religion now, well hardly, my uber-Dub sister throws a bit of garbage (WT think) my way sometimes, I just carry on as though the comment she made was a normal one, and it fizzles to nothing.

    I walked away close on three years ago, and I think they get the message.

  • zoiks

    Hi ranmac,

    Family angst will be more intense for some, milder for others. It sounds like your family is just now starting to see the reality of your decision. The fear and loathing that has been programmed into them will make an appearance. It may be that this is the worst of it for you, but you should be prepared to defend yourself against some seriously bad behavior on their part.

    Just as a personal example, there were some who tried to get my wife to leave me when I became a "spiritual danger" to her. Our families also contributed to the circuit-wide rumor mill. Things were very nasty for a while, but have settled into a sort of cease-fire. My relationship with my parents will never ever be the same again. That's reality.

    Your independent research and study have brought freedom, but it comes at a price. I hope that for you the price isn't too steep.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    When we first find out that the WT is a scam, we immediately forget every warning that the WT gave us on how to recognise a big, scary, evil, Satan inspired, apostate, and we forget that everyone else in the hall was listening to those warnings.

    If you want to get your family out, or even just let them know why you are leaving without causing a ruckus, you have to remember every rule, don't break them, and use them to your advantage.

    Get it right, and you could be the last to leave.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Also tonight the inlaws, who have probly gotten whiff of my inactivity and who never get personal, started to give a lecture on the extreme importance of the family worship arrangement so lovingly arranged for us by the FDS, and how if we are not taking advantage of this wonderful provision will not be prepared for armagedon.

    What Black Sheep said. Family Worship Night can be used to help your family see reason, as long as they still respect you as the spiritual head of the family. Once they think you're an apostate, it may be too late.

  • Quandry

    Seems they are heading on their way to an unofficial df'ing because of your inactivity. You must decide how to handle this. Perhaps you can go to a meeting or two just to placate? At least this preview lets you know not to "spill all the beans" to your family about the way you really feel.

  • man in black
    man in black

    family division is the worst.

    yes it is, hang in there and I wish you the best

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