Sorry I have to ask, but, what exactly does a special pioneer do?

by dgp 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • brotherdan

    There are special olympics and there are special pioneers.

  • sir82

    Oh forgot to mention, in addition to the $600/month, the Society pays for gas used "while in the ministry" and covers them 100% for medical and dental insurance. I believe there is a small annual clothing stipend as well.

    A married couple, serving in an area with a low cost of living, can eke out a meager existence. However, they are totally dependent on the WTS for the rest of their lives, as they will likely have limited or no job skills and no retirement savings, nor Social Security benefits.

  • ex-Special Pioneer
    ex-Special Pioneer

    The difference between a regular pioneer and a special pioneer is that instead of you apply you are appointed directly by the branch office. The hourly quota was 140 hours a month and you report directly to the branch office. You are given a monthly allowance (hardly enough to survive) if you would like to do a part time job you would need approval by the branch office. You are entitled for 30 days leave per year. If you do not reach the monthly quota you have to give an explanation why.

  • dgp

    Well, Blondie and Mary seem blondes to me :-) and the two look great. Sorry if I mistook one for the other .

  • jookbeard

    Bro Dan; post of the decade!!!!!!

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