Will there be bars in the New System?

by undercover 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    With apologies to Laverite...

    Growing up as a JW I always imagined the New System (TM) as being just like it's presented in the Literature (TM). I thought we'd all be hanging around with dorky looks on our faces, petting tigers and panda bears all day while we eat fruit and practice our dorky grins.

    Peronsally, I've never seen an illustration from the Society showing modern conveniences. The people in the illlustrations are always working in a garden somewhere (while wearing meeting clothes) or looking heavenward with a frontal lobotomy smile.

    I think to be able to survive in this new world, I would need alcohol and lots of it. If Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding, surely we could open a bar (or pub) in the new system so we could enjoy the fruit of our vines, so to speak. And newly resurrected ones probably sure could use a belt to get fully awakened to their new surroundings.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I'd always assumed that there would be a seedy part of paradise earth, with bars, strip clubs, casinos, etc. Otherwise, what would make it 'paradise'? Certainly not the people.

  • snowbird

    There will be no hit houses, bars, juke joints, honky tonks, pubs, or other places of ill repute in the WT Paradise.

    Charles Russell and Fred Franz would never countenance such a thing!



  • Outaservice

    Chocolate 'bars' at least, I hope! Of course Judge Rutherford would like the other kind, so there may be many!


  • LostGeneration

    A good question.

    A JW would probably answer no bars but there would be wine and possibly beer.

    So that leads to the question "What happens to somebody who drinks too much in the new system?" And who defines what is too much? A 115 lb woman might feel pretty tipsy after two glasses of wine, but a 250 lb man might be able to handle 5 glasses with no problem. So do the "princes" of the new world form a judicial commitee to figure out if you drank too much? But then again, if everyone is perfect then would they just know not to drink too much, or has their free will been removed making it impossible to get drunk?

    So many questions that cannot be answered logically, Im just glad I wont be there.

  • Finally-Free
    The people in the illlustrations are always working in a garden somewhere (while wearing meeting clothes) or looking heavenward with a frontal lobotomy smile.

    You forgot the inch thick glaze over the eyes.


  • cantleave

    You will have to wait for Satan to be released for "just a little while" before you see anything exciting, including a bar (or as us Brits say Pub).

  • NVR2L8

    1000 years of Bethel-like life under the direction of the "princes"...imagine what could happen if elders really had full power over the flock.

  • miseryloveselders

    This thread kinda highlights something for me, that I've never really given much thought before. That being, the WT really hasn't done all that great of a job selling paradise, have they?

  • sinis

    Hell, if TV exists, no more drag racing programs, hunting programs, fishing programs, sciFi, nudity scenes, boat racing, skiing, etc. Just 24 hours a day of pure Animal Planet, and basket weaving...

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