Do Apostate demos at conventions work?

by home_and_dry 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • home_and_dry

    Firstly, hello from a newbie

    I was reading a thread a few days ago which got me thinking. It was about everyones views on Apostates before leaving the dubs. Quite a few said they had been quite afraid of 'Apostates' and some only ever encountered them at Conventions.

    So what I would like to ask is, does apostate picketing at conventions work? Do any of you do it or have done it in the past?

    I guess my own theory is that it can sometimes do more harm than good. I know that in all my years of being a dub, because of what I was told, I was quite scared of these people that used to hang around outside stadiums with their leaflets and tambourines and stuff. That image stuck with me for many years and if it hadn't been for this forum then I still would have that image.

    Maybe, by standing outside a stadium trying to give out leaflets can actually make JW's even MORE against apostates, it kind of creates a stereotypical visual image and maybe not a very positive one?

    So for those of you that have done it, have you had any positive results from it? I am really curious to know! And I'm not for one minute condemning anyone that does it, I know that the vast majority of ex-dubs would like all those that they left behind to know the truth about the borg, but I'm just curious about the success rate of doing it that way.

    We all make a mess of our lives from time to time
    It's part of the process that you stumble as you climb

  • gem

    I haven't done it - but I agree with your point. There's no way JWs are going to take apostate literature in front of thousands of their fellow JWs. Seeing people outside stadiums will just confirm their stereotypes. At best, people will switch off.

    And you cannot force your views, and force people to leave the Witnesses. All you can do, is start/foster doubts in their minds.

  • outnfree

    I think I agree with the two of you that JWs will not accept literature from the hands of "apostates" outside convention sites, because they would not have the guts to do so in front of other JWs since accepting religious literature at the doors is such a taboo.

    However, I DO think that a few thought-provoking signs displayed and flyers posted in the convention area can do what gem suggested:

    start/foster doubts in their minds.
    Or alternatively, can help them to get help, as in advertising this site, silentlambs' organization or others, such as the 1-800-WHY-1914 hotline.

    Yelling and making a commotion, i.e., truly DEMONSTRATING, along with the signs would also be counterproductive in my opinion. Let the written message itself make an impression on the Witness minds.


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • outnfree


    Forgot to welcome the two of you!

    Nice to have you posting here home_and_dry and gem!


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    The only apostate ex JW's I knew that were outside the conventions in my opinion were unstable individuals to begin with so why would I listen to them. Some of them also did not make any sense to me and they were no better than the JW's that bang on your door Saturday morning trying to convert you to their way of thinking. I think that they really have not got away from the whole idea of wanting to sway you over to their perception of what is "truth".


  • BluesBrother

    I dunno man, but it sure sounds like fun

  • anewperson

    Experience is that the WTS's fanatics typically infiltrate such protest groups, especially if large, with a couple men who yell just enough obscenities etc to frighten the onlooking JWs & misled them into thinking things like "all apostates are evil." The "I dunno man, but it sure sounds like fun" comment reminds me of how they weasal into such groups.

    But what does work is for very small groups of very close friends (3-4) or individuals making use of signs with questions or references large enough to be read. For exmple you could chalk messges on the sidewalks in large print that are near the convention site.

    also leaving leaflets about at or near convention sites, kingdom halls etc can help. what if someone in a van drove by a convention site & turned on a loudspeaker that presented info about the UN & pedophile scandals!

  • borgfree

    I have demonstrated outside WT conventions. There are many stories I could tell about our experiences, but I will have to wait for another time. After three years at one convention our group (3 to 5) usually, decided that we might be doing more harm than good and stopped demonstrating at the conventions, at least for now.

    While demonstrating, we were lied about, to police, we were called names, cursed, followed closely everywhere we went, men in cars with two way radios driving back and forth everywhere we went, others on the roof of the convention center with binoculars watching us every moment we were in the area (from car, demonstrating and back to car)

    At two of the conventions they had hundreds of JW men line the entranceways from the doors to the parking lots, so that JWs could walk between the lines without being exposed to our signs. This against 3 demonstrators. Just a little humorous.


    "Without knowledge there can be no genuine faith--only superstition on the one hand or speculation on the other" Robert Banks
  • TR

    The thing that scared me the most about "apostates" at conventions was the fact that these people were against the WT for some reason. I wanted so desperately to find out why, but was afraid of my own conscience and, of course, committing evil in front of God.

    So, in retrospect, I suppose the picking can help to a point. It got me thinking that maybe, just maybe this religion I'm in might possibly NOT be the "truth". It was frustrating for me, because I felt guilty for just wondering what the "apostates" knew that I didn't.


    "Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
    --Benjamin Franklin, 1759

  • Simon

    Yes, but not 'at the time'

    I thought about them more when I started having doubts - I certainly don't think the efforts are wasted but obviously, different things work for different people at different times.

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