Do Ex-JWs have reason to be disgruntled?

by sabastious 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    Everytime I have ever told an active JW about this forum and described it's designation they all, in essence, say the same thing.

    They say that we are nitpickers, that we are all just rubbed the wrong way and can't get out of the state of disgruntlement that we have allowed ourselves to enter. Some throw in supernatural elements some just stick to human imperfection and call it murmurings.

    These kind of assertions highly imply that our anger is exaggerated or misguided; that we don't have all facts and are drawing highly speculative conclusions.

    As participants on this forum how do you refute such a claim?

    My first thought would be to point out that "murmurings" is what created the Watchtower to start with. Charles Taze Russell was disgruntled with his contemporary assortment of spirutal groups; namely the one he grew up in. This sparked a fervent research in search of something that made sense to him, this eventually led him to his own personal enlightenment of which sparked the inception of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

    It's ironic that the creation of the Watchtower was so human, because it is claimed to be so much more. It was merely a man who wasn't content with the spirituality presented to him not only by his guardians but also by the world around him. He had the money and the tongue to make a difference.

    And here we are, many decades later and the same process has been borne from what he started all those years ago.

    Facinating stuff, really.


  • leavingwt

    Ask the JW: Is there EVER a circumstance in which it is acceptable to criticize the organization?

    If they answer, 'No, then a discussion is pointless.

  • sabastious
    Ask the JW: Is there EVER a circumstance in which it is acceptable to criticize the organization?

    This question would turn most Witnesses now-a-day pale white. It should rightly induce cognitive dissonance.


  • confuzzled777

    It would be difficult if not next to impossible to refute it with someone who has never been wronged by the WTS.

    I came across this group about a year and a half ago and read through a handful of posts. I could not believe the hate that some members of the group had towards the witnesses. At the time, it strengthened my faith and I was thankful to still be a part of the WTS. Just being straight up here.

    Fast forward 1 year after being unjustly df'd for 6 months. Coming to this board with a different perspective has actually helped me in the healing process. Being judged by 7 men who did not know me and deemed me unworthy to be called one of Jehovah's Witnesses has allowed me to come to this board and not only see the pain but to also feel the pain that so many others have endured by association of the WTS. It has allowed me to understand WHY so many have left and why feelings are so very real and still raw.

    If all is rosy with a JW, then they will NEVER understand why..... and you won't be able to refute it.

    just my observation.....


    Good morning Sab.

    Jehovah`s Witness`s refuse to Ackowkedge anything Negative about the WBT$..

    It`s usually refered to as an Isolated Incident..So theres no real problem..

    131years of continuous Isolated Incidents..

    You would Think..

    JW`s would Get a Clue by now..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • flipper

    SABASTIOUS- I have tried talking with my adult JW daughters, but they are deeply indoctrinated and somewhat fanatical being regular pioneers. I believe that unless a person is having inward doubts already , and leaning on the fence or sitting on the fence between doubting and believing the organization - it's next to impossible to get them to budge in their thinking as they are still in a mind controlled state.

    Something needs to happen to shake them to the core. Drastic life changes like a death in the family, divorce, job loss, injustices committed against them by fellow JW's or elders- something of THIS nature - THEN we may be able to reason with them .

    In answer to your initial question - Yes indeed we have reason to be disgruntled. Mainly I'm pissed due to the years of mind control which the WT society indoctrinated me with . And the loss of freedom of thinking all those years to pursue positive ventures in my life ! But after 7 years out - I've gained a whole lot of freedom and clear thinking ability and for that I'm happy

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    It would be difficult if not next to impossible to refute it with someone who has never been wronged by the WTS. . . . If all is rosy with a JW, then they will NEVER understand why..... and you won't be able to refute it.

    just my observation.....

    I agree but would add that EVERY JW has been wronged by the WTS. The trick is getting the JW to see that. There is no quick and easy way to do so, especially without getting the door slammed on you so to speak, but it is possible to tweak the cognitive dissonance as often as possible. Also, stories about things that other cults they consider evil do that parallel WT actions (how Scientologists enforce shunning of former members, for example) can help them feel that dissonance more and more.

  • ziddina

    Well, let's see...

    I missed out on a good college education because of them...

    I missed out on a fulfilling career because of them...

    I missed out on a chance to make a difference in the world, because of them...

    I missed out on a good income, because of them...

    I missed out on the opportunity to build up a nice nest egg for retirement, because of them...

    I risked my life because their bizarre belief system urged me to refuse a blood-based innoculation against a dangerous contagious disease, because of them...

    I missed out on a lot of happiness and a lot of real adventure, because of them...

    Yeah, that's the definition of "disgruntled", all right... P*ssed off because someone robbed me of my life...


  • confuzzled777

    mad sweeney......for as much as one tries to little by little tweak the cognitive dissonance of a JW, the WTS warns them of that very thing on a very regular basis so as to always have their guard up against that kind of tweaking. We hear it over and over again......warnings about thinking like that of the world. Being told that Satan is very sly and if you let your guard down for a moment he can mislead you and put doubt in your mind. So the walls are built and the guard is always up.

    On the night that they told me they were going to df me, I actually blamed my heart condition on my being disfellowshipped. I said that Jehovah read my heart and knew that I needed dicipline in order to appreciate him and the org. I even had family (not mine) that told me that Jehovah diciplines those he loves and that he must REALLY love me. For a while I believed it. I was in denial. I let it define me for a time. But eventually I realized that I was still the same person, I had not changed. they were trying to make out to be someone that I was NOT. REALITY SET IN......then the doubt......

    SO hard to break down the walls of JW's.......but as you stated, maybe if you chisel away bit by bit, those walls just might start to come down and one might be more receptive to different thinking. Not an easy task as you stated.

  • Soldier77

    Do we have a reason to be disgruntled?


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