Contribution Boxes At The Book Groups , Did You Donate More There Than The Hall ?

by Hairyhegoat 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Hairyhegoat

    This may have been covered a few years back but the thought came to me just how much money the Wathtower lost in contributions when they got rid of the book study groups in witnesess homes. My book group was at my parents house and as it was always full, over 30 drones every Tuesday night. This caused mayhem in the road outside with all the cars double parking etc..

    The JW's at my group always put loads of wonga into the tin on the welsh dresser! I know as my dad was the bookstudy conductor and I had to count the dosh when the drones had all left and counter sign the ticket I did this for at least 6 years and every meeting the drones had always put in well over £60 without fail. The accounts for the group were always announced the week after the count and it was a pat on the back all round for the drones.. I was young and I wish I could have had the key to the tin so I could by sweets and booze with it! Alas my dad was a good hider of things like that so I found money from other avenues...

    The drones weren't going to contribute twice so when the book study was axed the level of income must have dropped on a huge scale worldwide.

    Some of the old sisters felt too self concious to put money in at the the hall like everyone was watching them ! My dad was the same he always got us kids to put the donation in the box, what was his problem ? He also gave us his report slip to put in aswell !!

    Did you have the same happen at your hall? The contribution thing must have hit the top line very hard!! Can you add your comments..


  • The Finger
    The Finger

    I rarely donated any money and I cannot ever remember donating any at the bookstudy.

  • Hairyhegoat

    Finger that made me lol!! Are you a from Scotland ?


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I wish I could take some money back OUT!!!!! Imagine walking in and making a withdrawl?????

  • blondie

    When I was a kid they had contribution boxes; then they stopped doing that, then when I was in my 40's it started up again...neither time did anyone contribute. The conductor finally put the box away.

  • DanaBug

    I don't remember contribution boxes at book studies at all.

  • Bystander39

    Same as DanaBug here - There were never any contribution boxes. Was it a GB idea (Great Britain, NOT Governing Body)?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Never had contribution boxes at our book studies in Australia, either.

  • The Finger
    The Finger


    If I had enjoyed the meetings I would have contributed but I didn't, so I didnt.

  • 3Mozzies
    Never had contribution boxes at our book studies in Australia, either.

    We did here in Melbourne, back in the 80's. Didn't see any in the 90's & 00's

    I was too young to have any disposable ca$h in the 80's, so whatever money I did have was never wasted for Joe Hoover's dorky printing religion.


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