Video Of JW's WItnessing

by Pig 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Yizuman

    Captions for the deaf please or a transcript?



  • mochamint22

    You guys wanna see a hilarious video from the movie Friday about some witnesses? This is so freakin hilarious. What's funny is this lady really has a magazine in her hand. And not to give it away, but what she says at the end is freaking funny!! Check it out. Sorry I don't know how to pull the vid into this message so heres the link to you tube.

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

    I don't know if that above link worked, if not, try this one:

    PS, can someone tell me how to put the little you tube vids in a message so people don't have to follow a link? thanks!

  • mochamint22

    Forgot to mention, loved your vid on going out in svc. THATS EXACTLY HOW IT IS FOR REAL!! i was rolling on that one. still laughing! That's how it is, you go for the BORING 15 minute meeting where they read the text for the day, then they put the car groups together and theres always the cliques that work together (of course i was one always left out or put w/someone i didnt wanna work with)

    oh man, the one householder with the dog has happened to me sooo many times. i remember being so bugged out cause i didnt wanna be out there ANYWAY and then the person isn't even paying attn to what i was saying. can't believe I also was out bugging people. I remember people actually seeing us when we did street work and running the other way. I always hated when it was my turn to get out and catch someone at the bus stop or in their car in a PARKING LOT WITH THEIR WINDOW UP. yeeeah. hated it.

    i felt bad for that kid too, thats happened to me too. running into someone from school. oh it was torture the next week.

    good job on that vid and keep em comin!


  • gutted

    Fantastic new video!

    I also have to say I absolutely LOVE your previous two videos. I've been sharing them with my friends and family (even active witnesses) and have gotten some great laughs!

    Keep up the great work.

  • MrMonroe

    Just watching that makes me feel even more sorry for myself about how long I stayed in that pathetic lifestyle. Even when my family was pretending to go witnessing -- just turning up at the damn field service group to give the impression we were going on calls in order to keep the elders off our backs -- we sat through that excruciating meeting with all those losers.

    It's so accurate in every detail it's just depressing. Thanks ... I think!

  • BurnTheShips
  • DagothUr

    It's a very realistic cartoon. I felt like the child in the video though I was not a child. What a waste of saturday mornings!

  • Nice_Dream

    Great video! There was a brother in my hall who looked just like the one with the sunglasses on his head...trying to be "cool" in service, lol. I loved the dog barking at the door too. Great job nailing the experience! I can remember being in groups with people I didn't like or know very well as a child...not fun!

  • ReallyTrulyAthena

    I like your videos a lot...this was hilarious!

    Uh oh - gotta break up that brother and sister from possibly pairing up together in service. Oh, the horror! I always seemed to be the kid that got stuck with the older brother or sister who would inevitably sing/hum/whistle/caterwaul one of the kingdom key. Yikes.


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