Cults prey off of the uninformed, does that mean people now a days should know better?

by sabastious 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious

    Think about the people on the other side of the JW preaching work. The JW mind control takes a decent amount of time for it to "take effect" so-to-speak.

    If you have the internet you should be looking up all Watchtower claims and verifying them for yourselves. If you get snared because you didn't have all the facts in this day in age... shame on you!


  • I<3MYGod

    Preach it!!

    Back in the day there was no internet, there wasn't a way to talk to anyone on the outside about the cult.

    It was hammered in so hard how we had to stay away from the apostates, how we weren't even to look in their direction. I remember going into many conventions and there would be apostates standing out front shouting and trying to get people to listen. The brain washing worked, I would turn my nose up to them and then look the other way. Who would have thought now I am the one trying to get through to my family and loved ones...

    In this day and age there is knowledge at our finger tips - so I guess then that jay dubs will have to rethink who they target....the homeless and poor won't have internet and can't goggle the cult...

  • sabastious

    The hatred they spew against people who stop believing their message is contemptible.


  • I<3MYGod

    It's disgusting...but they are God's chosen ones, so it's OK.

  • sabastious
    The truth is here:

    Sorry bro, the truth doesn't work that way. We can never obtain it, just move closer to it.


  • WTWizard

    The witlesses prey on all the disadvantaged. Those who are uninformed are one category they prey on, and being uninformed assures that they will continue being witlesses. They also prey on those with poor social networks, those who are poor, sickly, and anyone else that is vulnerable. And they make sure such people remain with lousy social networks outside the cancer, money-poor, and sickly. And misinformed.

  • designs

    Have you ever been to a Protestant or Evangelical Service, its all a cult mindset. When you start with a faulty premise it just keeps rolling through the whole damn process....kind of like being a few pennies off in your checkbook

  • cantleave

    WTWizard hit the nail on the head.

  • freydo

    "Thousands of other Christian groups have attempted to persuade us of what they believe "truth" is. But their methods of interpretation and their underlying assumptions are seriously flawed. Even their own favorite Scripture writer, Sha'ul (the apostle Paul) was grossly misunderstood and misinterpreted in his own day. Peter says that

    'our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you,as also in all his letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction.' (2 Peter 3:15,16).

    And so it is in our day that the untaught and unstable Christian churches, sects and denominations who have little understanding and insight twist and distort Sha'ul's writings to arrive at an interpretation of truth that has little resemblance to what Sha'ul actually meant........"

  • sabastious
    The witlesses prey on all the disadvantaged. Those who are uninformed are one category they prey on, and being uninformed assures that they will continue being witlesses. They also prey on those with poor social networks, those who are poor, sickly, and anyone else that is vulnerable. And they make sure such people remain with lousy social networks outside the cancer, money-poor, and sickly. And misinformed.

    True, but misinformation is the leading characteristic. Not all are poor or sickly, yet all are misinformed.

    The Wachtower teaches that "too much information" can be a snare.


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