Pale Blue Dot

by NomadSoul 40 Replies latest social entertainment

  • NomadSoul


    You brough up a very interesting point. I've thought about the idea of sin. The explanation of many religious beliefes including the one from the Watchtower is that humans lost their imperfection due to sin. You seem to think god messed with our DNA.

    Why did god did not destroy Satan? I remember the answer from the Watchtower was that the angels were also watching, and what would they think if they did that. Since satan proposed that humans could reign themselves. (I think that how it went, it's been a while).

    And I remember thinking to myself... Why wouldn't they have a problem with god cheating? Because god changing our DNA is cheating. I can just imagine satan going up to god and saying, "Hey, they don't need you". Then god turns around and says, "Oh yeah? Let me make a few changes here and there". And the angels are cool about it, but destroying satan, ho no, that would shatter their image of the great almighty wise powerful god.

    What other changes did god had to do after the original sin? Let' see, he gave humans canine teeth yet he forgot to take out the wisdom teeth. He also forgot to take out the appendix, and so many other things. For being a very powerful being he sure has fucked up a lot of shit.

    This is just a few things that for me, makes evolution have more sense than a story of a god.

  • ProdigalSon

    Nomad, if your intuition tells you we're not born sinners, then you are right, and go with that. That's the deception of the Bible, and a third of the world has fallen for it.

    God did not create a perfect world that man messed up. He created a primordial soup that needed to be tamed. Some might view this as some sort of sick form of self-entertainment, but it really sprang out of loneliness. There is no "sin" in feeling lonely, but if you're "God", in order to "create" something or someone that you can interact with, and when I say "interact" I mean sharing love unconditionally, then you can't just snap your fingers and produce an "equal". You have to actually break a part of yourself off, and throw it out there to "learn" how to be like you, through trial and error. That part of God that he split off from himself would be US.

    I think this guy explains it pretty well....

  • Heaven

    Why did god did not destroy Satan?

    Satan is a man-made Christian construct. He does not exist in other belief systems.

    Regardless of whether God exists or not, once a creation is given free will and free choice, the creation is no longer under the control of the creator.

    The idea of sin is man-made, belonging to the lineage of Adam and Eve. Those who do not belong to that lineage, do not fall into the sin category.

  • BurnTheShips
    10 were deactivated, heretofore known as "junk DNA"

    "Junk DNA" is a something of a myth. This is DNA that does not code for proteins. Much of the noncoding, or "Junk" DNA has been found to have regulatory functions for the "non-Junk" DNA, for example. We are still discovering functionality. There are no 10 deactivated DNA anything in the real world. Your post is full of junk, not your DNA.


  • bohm

    ProdigalSon: What experiment was performed to arrive at the number 12?

  • ProdigalSon

    The ruling elite have been suppressing the truth for thousands of years so they can dominate us goys and treat us like cattle. They put us on the Gregorian Calendar instead of the lunar calendar that the Mayans used which lines up with our natural cycles of 28 days (just ask any woman about this) and totally screwed up our sense of time. They put us on a decimal number system, instead of the universal duodecimal (base 12) number system, and this is the reason our scientists haven't been able to figure out the "junk DNA". Rest assured they are onto it now and the days of our suppression as a race are coming to an end.

    There is a ton of research going on these days Bohm. You don't need to ask me, you can use your search engine just like I did. But since you asked, I'll post some links for ya.....

    Wanna know who messed with our DNA?

    Russian Human Genome Project discovers Extraterrestrial abilities to modify DNA through a "biological internet"

    12 Strand DNA

    Duodecimal (Base 12) Number System

    DNA Can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies

    DNA Revealed

  • ProdigalSon
  • bohm

    ProdicalSon: Okay.. so there are people on the internet who agree with you.

    Now is there any SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENT that support the idea of 12-strands of DNA?

  • SacrificialLoon
    so they can dominate us goys

    Oh, please tell us more about the Jewish domination.

  • ProdigalSon

    Dear Bohm,

    I'm not a DNA scientist, I'm just a believer in metaphysics. It answers all my questions infinitely better than the Watchtower or the Bible ever did or could. I no longer have to wonder about anything, but my truth may not be your truth, or anyone else's. Mainstream scientists are resisting it and call it pseudo-science, because interdimensionality really upsets their apple carts.

    The bottom line is, it doesn't really matter. Disclosure is coming and it will change everything as we know it, just like this weeks NASA announcement of the discovery of arsenic-based bacteria in Mono Lake, CA. All I try to do is share what I've learned with people who are looking for the same answers.

    It's all in the links I've posted, but here ya go. I'll post it again....

    Russian DNA Discoveries Proof of 12-Strand DNA Activation Theory

    The Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation

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