Who Have They Sold Redundant KH's Too?

by Celtic 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celtic

    The Witnesses have obviously sold off lots of stock and fixtures over the years, as they replaced older, redundant technologies with new, including within this, buildings, kingdom halls and such like.

    'Bernard' brought up the reminder in a reply post below, quoting his old kingdom hall as being sold to the Mormon's. Frankly, this raised my eyebrows.

    What else have they sold that we know of to people on the 'outside' that they would normally disagree with? And how have these fresh funds been used, to what ends, if any specifically?

    Respect & WhatKnot, WhatKnot indeed.


  • rhett

    Here in Evansville they sold one to I think it was a carpet store and who later sold it to a used book store that has a large selection of previously owned porn. I can't tell you how hilarious I find it to be that I can buy porn not too far from what used to me the literature counter.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • teenyuck

    The KH in Bensenville, Illinois (western suburb of Chi-Town)was sold to another 'christian' organization. Bensenville has a large latino population and the old KH became a church; all the wording was in spanish, however, there was no mistaking the cross!

    The dubs built a lovely new KH in Addison, Illinois.

  • metatron

    often sold to churches - or as offices.

    One in Utica NY sold to a social welfare office


  • DakotaRed

    By selling to churches, are they not helping to promote what they call "false religion?" Maybe cold hard cash substitutes for a conscience? The rank and file would be "talked to" in the back room for going to a church or doing anything misconstrued as promoting these so-called false beliefs, but they can sell them a ready made place to worhip falsely?

    Just more contradiction and hypocrisy, as I see it.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • LDH

    They sold the one I grew up in to a----get this---

    funeral parlor!!!


  • moneypenny

    I know one that was sold to Bible student Group

  • longtimeout

    The Kingdom Hall in Warren, RI is now the local cable TV warehouse and office.

  • DazedAndConfused

    awwww LDH I thought I was going to be the only one that could say that. LOL

  • Moxy

    this is a stupid analogy


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