A world without God? What would it be like...

by Snoozy 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JeffT

    Absent the concept of a higher power myself and about two million other recovering alcoholics would just be alcoholics.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    We already have a world without god. Seems to me, even if you believe in the Bible, he's been MIA for about 2000 years.

    What would the world be like if everyone did not believe in god? Unfortunately, humans would still probably be fighting over land and other resources. They just wouldn't be able to use religion to get people all riled up. Contrary to religious people's opinion, atheism is not a moral viewpoint. The fact that a person believes in god or not does not make him/her a more or less moral person ON THAT BASIS. The fact that I care for others and consider myself a moral person does not stem from my atheism, but rather from the moral values that I believe in.

    BTW, Tammy, would you still be a good person if at some point you hypothetically learned something that would make you realize that Jesus is as much a fairytale as Zeus and Hermes? Would you at once become a homicidal maniac just because you're no longer a Christian? I don't think so. That's why I don't think that you're a good person solely because you believe in Christ.

  • Snoozy

    But without a god belief would there be such a thing as right or wrong? Wouldn't each make up their own morality codes?

    Most I know of use religion/ in the case of gods teachings..as a basis for their conscience.

    Many claim that they, even without belief in god, still have morals..but aren't these usually passed down in family traditions and based on some religious belief?

    Funny, I keep thinking about "Fiddler on the roof" and the song "Traditions"...

    Many of our sci fi movies of the future seem to go to a godless world..where the fittest survives. (Or as someone said"Top of the food chain"...)


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead


    Do you get your morality from the Bible God?

    If so, do you think?

    • Genocide is OK? (it's OK with Yahweh)
    • Rape is OK? (it's OK with Yahweh in certain situations, such as if the rapist pays 50 shekels to the dad of the victim)
    • Infanticide is OK? (it's OK with Yahweh as long as its enemies of his people)
    • Slavery is OK? (it's OK with Yahweh in both OT and NT)
    • Women are inferior to men? (in both OT and NT)
    • Terrorism is OK? (such as David killing 200 innocent foreigners - in the foriegn country - and then cutting off their penises)
    • Polygamy is OK? (in both OT and NT)

    If you somehow feel that these things are wrong, you didn't get that feeling from God or the Bible. You probably got it from the same place I got my atheistic morals.

  • tec
    BTW, Tammy, would you still be a good person if at some point you hypothetically learned something that would make you realize that Jesus is as much a fairytale as Zeus and Hermes? Would you at once become a homicidal maniac just because you're no longer a Christian? I don't think so. That's why I don't think that you're a good person solely because you believe in Christ.

    I highly doubt I would become a homicidal maniac ;) I imagine, in this hypothetical situation, that I would be something like an ex-Jw or an ex-Christian - angry and disillusioned for a spell. I would be in mourning as well, because I truly do love Him. I think that once past that, I would be grateful that I had Him to learn from, for the love and mercy that He taught - even if only a concept.

    (However, thinking that way makes me see the silliness in this - because then people would have invented a man such as Jesus, and it would have been them living and inspiring those things, and then how could they lie about him in the first place? I mean, the churches and inquisitions and beheadings and stake burnings - none of those things are inspired from Christ's teachings, but rather from abusing and twisting those teachings and the love of the people who follow Him.)

    Also, I don't think I'm a good person solely for believing in Christ. Many people believe in him and are worse than those who don't. But as I said on another thread (and as Jeff touched on here), I have tried to rid myself of anger and impatience, to have peace and to be able to teach that to my children... I can't do it. Not on my own. But I have done it with His help.


  • d

    Their would be less violence and intolerance.

  • LV101

    i heard a radio program re a study was done of a group of ex-prisoners for about 6 - 9 yrs. (maybe longer) that had become xtians while incarcerated and a very small percentage gave up their faith and returned to their old ways returning back to prison. I couldn't believe!

    It is presently a Godless world (action wise) and world of intolerance. Individuals do not just fit into groups of different socio-economics, education, lifestyle status out there --- you leave your neighborhood and you get beat up (mentally).

  • smiddy

    WE already have a world without God!! What we don`t have is a world without the idea of a God..It`s a phurphy to say that people without a religous bone in their body are immoral. I think you can all attest to the fact that devout religous people can be" oh so immoral ", and that non religous people can be" oh so moral". It has really nothing to do with religion, this is the phurphy!! In the human phsyche their is an inbuilt ability to measure right and wrong" conscience" which controls a lot of our actions ,maybe this is just an instinctive program which governs all life forms.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    A world without the idea of God would probably be exactly the same....except they would have to think of other excuses for wars and terrorism and witch burning and how to control the massess out of fear...other than that...same old same old

  • LV101

    i agree, smiddy. seems most people we know profess to be xtians yet it's hard to believe. I guess the conscience becomes so damaged in life -- I don't know. It's sad the pain humans have in their lives and repeat the ugly stuff on innocent victims unless they deal with reality and face it. Perfect candidates for cult recruiting.

    Someone emailed a youtube -- i'd post it but don't know how. Here's the title if anyone is interested, "Tip of the Iceberg the Affects of Immigration from the Third world." Hope that's right --- takes place in London/Muslims. Talk about a brainwashed people and reminds me of witnesses, and others involved in religion.

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