"Are science and the Bible compatible?"

by 8209233306 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • shamus100

    YOu done school already? Get studying and stop with this monkey business... :D

  • ProdigalSon

    Insert [metaphysical] in front of "science" and the answer is yes.

    Otherwise, the two can't even make it past Genesis 1:1.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    shameless100: "Get studying and stop with this monkey business... :D"

    Who appointed you "faithful and discreet Governing Monkey"? No doubt the Holy Simian has inspired you.

    I'm through the worst of this semester. Two weeks left, then finals, then a few weeks off before the next semester starts. For being raised a JW, I'm very good at science. I've exploited my academic success as evidence of Hojovah's blessing on my return to college.

  • shamus100

    Good kid. :D

    I wish you all the best. Chemical engineers are in high demand up here - just food for thought. Seems there's a real shortage of them, lately.

    Sorry to hijack your thread, weird named guy or gal. Wish you the best out of your journey out of this cult.

  • goddidit

    Well the bible (by JWs interpretation) claims there could not have been any life more than about 50,000 years ago but science claims there was and provides evidence. How do they harmonize that?

  • Leolaia
    To illustrate, a scientist may be able to describe every molecule in a chocolate cake, but will his analysis reveal why the cake was made or for whom?


    To illustrate, a scientist may be able to describe every molecule in a hurricane storm system, but will his (are there any female scientists?) analysis reveal why the hurricane was made or for whom?

    This example sounds weird because we implicitly know that emergent systems arise in nature without a conscious purpose. The analogy instead compares nature with things manufactured by humans, not with things in the natural world.

  • Lore
    To illustrate, a scientist may be able to describe every molecule in a hurricane storm system, but will his (are there any female scientists?) analysis reveal why the hurricane was made or for whom?

    This example sounds weird because we implicitly know that emergent systems arise in nature without a conscious purpose. The analogy instead compares nature with things manufactured by humans, not with things in the natural world.

    Gah, thank you!

    I was trying to think of an example that a creationist wouldn't consider intelligently designed anyway.

    I was thinking of rocks, crystals, craters, magnets, iceburgs. . . But I've seen arguments that ALL of those were intelligently designed.

    Anyone who thinks god intended there to be hurricanes is too far gone to bother talking too.

  • foolsparadise

    You can literally travel billions and billions of light years into the expanse of the universe and nowhere is GOD ever seen. Just empty blackness. Is God this empty and cold? Why does GOD never show himself? Prehaps because he doesnt exist

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