"Are science and the Bible compatible?"

by 8209233306 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 8209233306

    Found this in the latest issue of Awake! :

    "Where Science Is Limited

    Many truths about God are beyond the
    scope of science. To illustrate, a scientist may
    be able to describe every molecule in a chocolate
    cake, but will his analysis reveal why the
    cake was made or for whom? For answers to
    questions like that—which most people would
    regard as the more important ones—he needs
    to consult the person who baked the cake.
    Similarly, science “gives a lot of factual information,”
    wrote Austrian physicist and Nobel
    laureate Erwin Schro¨ dinger, “but it is
    ghastly silent about all . . . that is really near to
    our heart, that really matters to us.” This includes,
    he says, “God and eternity.” For example,
    only God can answer such questions as
    the following: Why is there a universe? Why
    does our planet have an abundance of life,
    including intelligent life? If God truly is almighty,
    why does he permit evil and suffering?
    And is there hope beyond the grave?
    Has God answered those questions? Yes,
    in the pages of the Bible. (2 Timothy 3:16)
    ‘But how,’ you may ask, ‘can I be sure that the
    Bible really is from God?’ From a scientific
    point of view, what the Bible says about the
    world around us must harmonize with scientific
    fact, for God does not contradict himself.
    Does the Bible reflect such harmony? "
    Does any scientist really try to answer these questions? 
    Or is this just what the org. want us to belive? 

    De omnibus dubitandum. (Doubt everything)
  • leavingwt
    Many truths about God are beyond the scope of science.

    Hence, the need for a personal revelation.

  • PSacramento

    Well, since the bible is NOT a science book nor claims to be, then I don't see why they can't be compatiable.

    Science can explain what happened in the bible, who it happened and how long it took for example and science may even be able to confirm that an event happened or even correct a mistake that a scribe made.

    Compatible? Yes, for sure.

  • Lore
    To illustrate, a scientist may be able to describe every molecule in a chocolate cake, but will his analysis reveal why the cake was made or for whom? For answers to questions like that—which most people would regard as the more important ones—he needs to consult the supposed personal memoirs allegedly written down by the bakers anonymous assistant decades after his passing which were then poorly copied by hand by other anonymous people, then translated into a different language by someone who claimed to be the baker's great grandchild who we'll assume didn't alter the memoirs at all even though HE wanted to inherit the cake and was not above murdering all his living relatives to get it.

    These memoirs were later translated again into other languages.

    Because the the baker had his memoirs written in a bizzare form of piglatin at the time, only his self-designated representatives can properly interpret the original meaning of the memoirs.

    Would not any self respecting scientist feel compelled to trust these memoirs without question?

    Some so-called "scientists" have questioned the validity of these memoirs simply because the baker seemed to think that it was an apple pie instead of a chocolate cake. But as the baker was the original creator of the delicious desert, and the scientists who believe it is a chocolate cake are merely observers, we can be confident that if he thinks it's a pie it must therefore be a pie.

    There I fixed it!

  • cofty

    Science is incompatible with a view of the bible that assumes it is anything other than a book of human origin.

    Dead people don't wake up, nobody walks on water, axe heads don't float, the sun didn't stand still for 24 hours, there never was a global flood, the human population was not reduced to 8 people 4000 years ago etc etc

    When somebody insists that these things and hundreds of other similar stories actually did happen they are making unscientific statements.

  • Dutch-scientist

    If the WTS going to talk about science its for me a shot back with a open goal. The are so Dumb!

    82...... those questions are not for a scientist but for a philosopher.

  • unshackled

    The bible is just fiction. We could also discuss "Are science and the Harry Potter books compatible?"...but that would be a waste of time.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The article failed to answer the most important question of our day...

    Who made God... and why?

  • shamus100

    Oh Billy! ** rubs nipple **

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Shamus! You behave yourself, this is a Family Thread!

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