Hidden Messages from the WT

by cameo-d 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cameo-d

    1. Who does this figure represent?

    Jesus? Jehovah? A Giant Nephilim?

    What's with the odd headband? Jesus wore a crown of thorns. Jehovah is often depicted with some kind of crown. This jeweled headband looks different from what I have seen before. Could it represent some other entity? Who?

    From comments in the other thread it seems apparent that most people here recognize this as a "foreign" figure that does not really fit in with the Bible stories. I think you are right. But the question is...who really does this figure represent?

    2. It was my understanding that WT teaches that "government will turn on religion". Is this picture supposed to be some kind of cog-diz psych out where now the teaching changes to Superhero/ Evil villian crushes the government? What is going on here? Has WT flip-flopped on another teaching? Why do their printed words conflict with the illustrations being depicted? Could this figure represent a foreign government that is intent on destroying the US? Do you see any other countries being represented in this image of destruction?


  • designs

    To properly interpret Watchtower Artwork 2 ounces of Shrooms are required.....

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    LOOK CLOSER!!! I can see a couple of Witnesses in there getting crushed!!! Jesus is a big fat meany!!

  • Heaven

    LOL @ designs!

    Why would the figure be depicted wearing a circlet when these items have Pagan, Druid, Greek God (and other) origins?

    I only see a US government symbol so, whew, I'm safe here in Canada.

    Seriously, who would want their kids seeing this crap?

  • wasblind

    " Seriously, who would want their kids seeing this crap? "

    Like one poster put it, it ain't no different from violent video games

    what hypocracy

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Cameo, I want what you're smoking, lol!

    I do find the headpiece thingy on Jesus' head a bit weird. I don't recall a scripture where it ever said he was wearing one.

  • wasblind

    " Is this picture supposed to be some kind of cog-diz psych out where now the teaching changes to Superhero/ Evil villian crushes the government? "

    The head band is a rip off of this character

  • Dutch-scientist

    The text is now in Dutch in english version it is stated: The destruction of Satan’s wicked system will make Christ’s presence manifest

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    It was the 60's dude. You had to be there.

  • oldlightnewshite

    Is it me, or was the artist inspired by watching a Bud Spencer movie...where he smacks some guy round the head with an open palm? It looks just like him. The headband kinda reminds me of the planet of the apes for some reason. The WT$ likes to show jesus as a tough badass, instead of a skinny hippy like in christian churches.

    The art editor on the Watchtower must've been dropped on his head as a baby.

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