Why do I keep digging?

by ranmac 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • ranmac

    thanks everyone for the replies, very spot on. Its been awesome to discover revelations on my own and to develop a GENUINE passion for knowledge on history and religion. I just dont want it to take away too much time from other things in my life like my marriage, music, etc. I guess balance is the key.

  • Ding

    I think for a lot of ex-JWs there's a nagging WTS-implanted fear, "What if the WTS is right after all? What if I'm ruining my life by leaving?"

    The more you dig into WT history, the more you realize it's a house of cards and marvel that you believed the "faithful and discreet slave organization" claim for so long.

    The sheer number of false prophecies, contradictions, and doctrinal flip-flops is astounding, especially for an organization that claims to be the only holy-spirit-directed, Christian group on earth today, the only organization that understands "the deep things of God."

    When you hear JWs continuing to defend the organization you think, "Come on! How much more evidence do you need?"

  • ranmac

    the reason I keep digging, is because I'm still developing my thoughts.

    Very true. I disturbs me when people tell me I better figure things out soon. Would God prefer I spend my life on a bandwagon motivated by fear or guilt, or would god want someone who earnestly searches for truth, even if it takes their whole life?

  • bob1999

    "For others, the continued digging is a way of trying to convince others who still think its the truth."

    I would love to get my family out. The real truth is so clear once you dig just a little bit.

    Why can't they see this? That was a rhetorical question.

    The more I dig the more I see that my family are all brain washed and there is no magic bullet.

    I'm not giving up, just being more realistic about my expectations.

    I'll be over here, digging......


  • cyberjesus

    one digs because one wants knowledge. but knowledge will shock you.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Certainly Jesus encourages us to keep searching till we find the truth. Since "truth" is not a religion, but a person, those who seek Him will find. He cannot fail to keep His promise to all who come to Him.

  • GrandmaJones

    I can't stop either. I am studying harder now than I have ever done in the past. Does being a born-in make a difference? I don't know, but I am a born-in.

  • wobble

    I too was born in, 60 years ago.

    I no longer dig too much, I have a huge file here on my computer of proof and thoughts, mainly gleaned from here, JWN, that I can use if I ever get the chance, to open the eyes of trapped JW's.

    I feel no need to dig to prove that they are wrong, about everything almost. I know that to be the case.

    I read new exposes as they appear on here with appreciation, but the mountain of proof is so large that I do not add much to my file these days.

    I come here mainly to help those new ones who are just leaving the cancer of the WT, and need a shoulder to lean on.

    It does not cease to amaze me that the deeper people dig, the more corruption and lies are exposed, right from the beginning of the WT in the late 1800's till this very day, it truly is rotten, through and through.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    I actually think its genetic. Some people myself included are analytical by nature always looking to see what's under the next stone. even when i make a decision on something I still keep checking it out.

    You probably do the same always thinking about the new puzzle piece and where it fits in the large picture.

    Maybe thats just who you are I don't know?

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