Why do I keep digging?

by ranmac 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • ranmac

    It didnt take a lot of independant research, along with a life full of ridiculous experiences in the religion, to realize that the organization and its GB are just another religion focused on control and conformity. So why do I keep digging into the insanity and contradictions that they're based on. I think I know why, just want to hear how others feel.

  • wasblind

    Because just when you think they reach thier limit on bull crap

    they pile on more.

  • Berengaria

    Hello ranmac, are you born in?

  • ranmac

    yes I am born in

  • clarity

    Ranmac.....you dig to see just how deep the BS goes.

    We dig because there is a difference between hearing and seeing it's wrong, and being able to logically prove it's wrong.

    We dig because everytime we hit paydirt, there's a certain satisfaction.

    Right now, I can't stop either!


  • Ding

    For some, continued digging provides continued validation of the decision to leave.

    For others, the continued digging is a way of trying to convince others who still think its the truth.

    For some, it's a little of both.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    We were taught that if we did enough digging we would find "The Truth" but we find instead only falsehood and human direction. We can't hardly accept it emotionally though we accept it intellectually. You've found the way out. Keep going. Do what you need and talk more here. Welcome.

  • wasblind

    ".....you dig to see just how deep the BS goes."

    Clarity, I could not have said it any better

  • Berengaria

    Personally, I think time and really educating yourself is the answer. Not necessarily education on the JW's, but religion, history etc. I was born in, I've always said I feel like the years after I left were like coming out of a cave I had lived in my whole life. I did do a pretty extreme crash course in life after I left, but I wouldn't change a minute of it.

  • miseryloveselders

    My thoughts coincide with Clarity. Sometimes I wonder if I'm obsessed with WT doctrine and the history of this religion. I feel like Glenn Close, and David Splane is my Michael Douglas. I'd say me personally, the reason I keep digging, is because I'm still developing my thoughts. I'm still working out the pros and cons. I also want to be sure that any decision I make is the decision that I chose to make after being informed. I don't want to go from being a born-in JW, who's thought process was manipulated by several old obscure men in Bethel, to someone who's thought process was molded by anonymous posters on an apostate message board. Though, Im fond of the individuals amongst the latter company.

    Today's WT lesson was a very good example why JWs really, really, really need to dig into their religion's origins and doctrines. It felt good sitting in the audience today knowing what I know.

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