JWs love that " new generation" teaching- yes, they do.

by moshe 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nickolas

    I am beginning to feel very tired.

  • wasblind

    Oh boy , that's a deal !!!!!!

    I just hope he can handle it mentally

    everybody can't deal with the "real" truth

  • diamondiiz

    Really, how many jws think deeply on wts teachings? I know I was a follower when it came to dogma. Generation meant this or that.....it really didn't matter as I wasn't serving God for a date. I didn't think of putting 1+1 together to realize that the whole 1914 was bogus and tht 607 was only wts teaching. There were many teaching I didn't put together to realize the whole religion was a joke. How many here, when they were sincere believers knew that the whole world didn't believe Jerusalem fell in 607BC but 587??? How many could explain it without going into the wts publications and reading it someone who actually asked about it? In fact most outsiders never ask jws at the door the right questions for a jw to actually think deeply about what they are preaching.

    So with the new generation teachings, most don't care about small things that don't appear to be a big deal. If wts came out and said 1914 is just another date, that would be different because a number that's imprinted in jw mind would jump out and they would have to think about it but what if wts said 1914 was wrong but fds were still chosen in 1919? Would jw question 1919 as many don't even think of 1919 as an important date which is based on 1914 theology? As long as jws are doing their routine and 1914 isn't changed they will continue to follow the gb without much hesitation until one day they wake up to realize they were conned. We who came to understand the wts fraud can see clearly why generation is changed and it is a big deal to us but to the cult mentality it's nothing major as they cannot connect the dots without a someone to guide them.

  • Nickolas

    Oh boy , that's a deal !!!!!!

    deal it is. This could take awhile, but I won't forget. Bookmarking this thread.

  • agonus

    I'm not sure I buy into the idea that most Witnesses are "not serving Jehovah with a date in mind." One of the whole selling points of the religion is that The End Is Just So Damned Close We Can Taste It. The WT warns against dubs serving "with a date in mind", but they just keep going back to date-setting, over and over and over again, and refuse to drop 1914 (which is, yes, a date).

  • factfinder

    @diamondiiz- you are right. My jw brother has no trouble accepting the new generation teaching at all. He gladly accepts what the GB ("The Slaaaaave" as he calls it!) comes out with. Most jws will never bother to think deeply on these things. I knew 607BCE was not accepted by the world, but the world was run by Satan so it did not matter! I keep hoping something will get my brother to wake up regarding "the truth" but I doubt it will happen. They are just too willing to accept any "new light" the gb throws at them no matter what it is. As long as they are held captive to the" God's organization/ faithful slave" concept they just can't break free.

  • factfinder

    @agonus-the only witness I ever see is always telling me the end is so close. If they did not believe that they'd have no reason to continue being witnesses.

  • agonus

    When was the last convention that neglected to mention How Deep We Are Into The Time Of The End?

  • Nickolas

    agonus, you have nailed it. If the "date in mind" is "imminent", then it might just as well be graven in stone. +/- a couple of years within the context of eternity is a snail's fart. This is the fallacy of the Watchtower.

  • Nickolas

    Well done.

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