Question for Bethelites/ former Bethelites

by factfinder 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • wasblind

    Wasblind said: "but I'm LMBAO at ya,"

    Hey Fact, there was no appearance about it, I did laugh at you, and again, I humblely apologize

  • factfinder

    @wasblind- thank you! Believe me I would never report anyone. Some would consider me an apostate for rejecting the new generation teaching and in fact the JWs in my cong have been ignoring me for the past 5 years! Your apology is accepted! :).You are welcome to send personal messages anytime!

    @DanaBug- I don't know why anyone would lie about being a witness or not. My brother keeps suggesting it to me and I was thinking if none of those who say they are former bethelites could answer my questions or if somehow I know more about the Printery than they do than maybe they are not really former bethelites. Anyway, I'm just disappointed that none of them commented on my post.

    If they did leave Bethel a long time ago then of course they would not know what work is being done in the factory complex now. What year did you last visit Bethel Dana? If you don't mind my asking. I guess the printing operation is not as fasinating or interesting to most other people than it is to me. I went to school to become a printer. Sadly it did'nt work out for me to get a career in printing as you need a lot more experience than my 2 years in vocation school to get hired as a pressman.

    Thank you both and pirata too for taking the time to read my post and comment. You may be interested to know I wrote to Bethel for information many times but was not given answers to my questions. They always said they" do not have the resources to obtain the information" I am asking about. Yet, each year they update that info in the printery lobby! Of course I have no way to get there to tour and see it. I guess you would not be surprised that the society will not answer my questions. I guess I ask the "wrong ones"!

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