My last meeting at the Kingdom Hall. Here's how it went.....

by jambon1 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hecklerboy

    I had the same feeling when I walked out of my last meeting. It was a circuit assembly. Total happiness. It was a absolute beautiful day, the sun was shining and I had a huge smile on my face. I left and went to visit my mother. I never went back and I've never been happier. My family doesn't have much to do with me but that's their loss. My girlfriend says that it takes great courage to leave a religion you were raised in and lose all your friends. She's right but I don't miss any of those so called friends. I now have true friend that don't care what religion I am or if I even believe in God. They love me for who I am.

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp
    Later on I was told all sorts by my JW friends. The most cutting remark was being told that my actions showed that 'I didn't love my kids.' My kds are my life. How could anyone say this? An act of desperation on their part? Maybe. But deeply insulting.

    In my book this is the last thing a Christian would say to you.

    Your story has reminded me of how awful it all was. It's great hearing how someone else has managed to get away though.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Nice tell of your story of the last day. Thanks for this inspirational thought: Don't be slaves to something that is doing you harm.

    Edited to add:

  • bigmac

    @ jambon

    yes i remember to this day when i threw my briefcase, stuffed with watchtowers & awakes, off a bridge into a river, my wife thought i had gone mad.

    that was in 1971.

    highly recommended therapy.

    fellow brit


  • GrandmaJones


    You didn't say what happened with your wife. Just curious.

  • GrandmaJones


    You didn't say what happened with your wife. Just curious.

  • eric356


    I actually listened to Highway to Hell when I left my last-ever Sunday Meeting. Threw the bookbag in the back seat, ripped off the tie, and cranked up the music. Felt awesome.

  • WTWizard

    My last boasting session was the REJECT Jesus Party 2005. I went to the "wrong" congregation, so most of the witlesses in the congregation I was "supposed" to have gone to didn't see me there. I never went back after that--though I did crap field circus for a few months after that. After June 2005, nothing. And to boot, I turned in several time slips at once on separate slips so they would have the guilt of being "careless" and "losing" my time slip (and hopefully waste resources that could have been used for other matters).

    When it came time to reject Jesus in 2006, I blew off the party. I did it my way--with a Ouija board.

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