KM Jan 2011 Family Worship

by dozy 38 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dozy

    There is a big insert in the Jan Kingdom Ministry about the Family Worship Night (which has evolved new capital letters - like Governing Body.)

    Some helpful suggestions include the head of the household putting an agenda on the fridge door a few days ahead for the family to "build excitement and anticipation" (I kid you not.) The provision is compared to the Sabbath arrangement as a gift from God. And a young married pioneer couple say that they wake up in the morning & say with excitement "Today is our Family Worship Night."

    I'll scan & post when I get a chance.

    For such a supposedly informal arrangement there does seem an awful lot of instructions with numerous suggestions as to what could be done (dressing up in bible costumes , role playing to pre-empt issues at school etc)- one gets the impression that most JWs just haven't been bothering.

    I know that when I was growing up the family study was very rarely conducted (although that didn't stop the family going on circuit assemblies & my father pretending that we had a regular study.)

  • WTWizard

    I have a number of suggestions. First, the best is to simply skip it.

    Alternatively, you could use the Bible and JUST the Bible. Better yet, get your favorite translation--you will spend some money, probably between $10 and $100 depending on how deluxe a Bible you get (very fancy Bibles can cost even more, sometimes much more). The important thing is to use just that publication, without any outside assistance. See what you come up with.

    At this time of year, you could use the time to do something to worship (or, at least honor) Jesus. Gather some Christmas supplies and rig them up. While the date might be wrong, you are doing this to honor Jesus. Even if you don't believe Jesus is God or even on God's side, Jesus did die trying to set us free from Jehovah and the Mosaic Law--taking the time to do something to honor that is appropriate. At least this way, you could spend the full 4 hours and not get the children bored to death.

    Or, you could just do a few minutes. Children really cannot listen to the same crap for 4 hours at a time, and what is the point in costume dramas when they do it every few weeks. Instead, just pick out a paragraph from a washtowel article and discuss it (even finding out where it is inconsistent with the Bible), and that will be it.

  • yknot

    ....I encourage all the Elder/MS posters to download a copy from and help Dozy out by posting it soon......

    I want to reiterate that the FWN is a blantant rip off of the LDS FHE (Family Home Evening- Google it and compare the suggestions!)

    The Mormons started the FHE in 1915!!! It was 'suggested/encouraged' in 2002 by Mormon leadership to be held on Monday night.

    IF anyone has the a copy of the 2011 calendar (I don't I didn't order one this year) maybe they could scan a copy of some of the 'updated' and 'modern' family scenes from the FWN and compare them to these which are 'FHE' pics!

    okay I will stop with the pics (but it is soooo much fun!) since it is such a blantant rip-off.......

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    How long until elders 'invite' themselves over to families study night to 'see how it's going' i wonder?

    they seem to be trying to structure it like a home mini meeting... before long they will put a little 'suggestion' box in each KM to 'help' the head of the household?

    the grip tightens


    ps... hey, heres a new direction bethel boys: merge with the mormons! looks like you are already on that road!!!!!!!!! oh how bloody UNIQUE you are! NOT

  • 3Mozzies
    Some helpful suggestions include the head of the household putting an agenda on the fridge door a few days ahead for the family to "build excitement and anticipation" (I kid you not.) The provision is compared to the Sabbath arrangement as a gift from God. And a young married pioneer couple say that they wake up in the morning & say with excitement "Today is our Family Worship Night."

    You have got to be kidding me!

    Please scan it, I want to use it to 'induce vomiting' in an emergency.


  • Pistoff

    So I am thinking this could be a GREAT thing; I am going to suggest that the wife and I have a


    I will play out the part of the lecherous monarch, she can slowly remove her robe and bathe while I watch from my rooftop.

    This will CERTAINLY heighten my appreciation, if you know what I mean.

  • Heaven

    My Father doesn't even know what day it is and he lives alone. How does anyone in his situation have "Family Worship Night"?!!

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    here's some suggestions for "creating excitement and anticipation" tell your kids you'll pay them for each answer and if they use a scripture and smile they can pick out whatever movie they want to watch that weekend and if they will talk about how wonderful it is at the hall make the prize really good.

    guaranteed they'll get motivated

  • miseryloveselders

    There is a big insert in the Jan Kingdom Ministry about the Family Worship Night (which has evolved new capital letters - like Governing Body.)

    Some helpful suggestions include the head of the household putting an agenda on the fridge door a few days ahead for the family to "build excitement and anticipation" (I kid you not.) The provision is compared to the Sabbath arrangement as a gift from God. And a young married pioneer couple say that they wake up in the morning & say with excitement "Today is our Family Worship Night."

    I'll scan & post when I get a chance.

    For such a supposedly informal arrangement there does seem an awful lot of instructions with numerous suggestions as to what could be done (dressing up in bible costumes , role playing to pre-empt issues at school etc)- one gets the impression that most JWs just haven't been bothering.

    I know that when I was growing up the family study was very rarely conducted (although that didn't stop the family going on circuit assemblies & my father pretending that we had a regular study.)

    They're preposterous. In a way, I'm glad they're "suggesting" this, because I think it may wake people up to how loony they've become. For one thing, how is it a gift from God? Did Jehovah speak directly to the GB, and instruct them to institute a Family Worship Night? Did God instruct the Writing Department to compare it to the Sabbath? Did all the GB members recieve instructions in a dream the night before their weekly meeting instructing them put in motion this wonderful arrangement? If the answer to those questions is no, then its not a gift from God. God had nothing to do with this "arrangement", or gift as they put it. Another thing, why do they still promote pioneers as if they're respected or something? I can't speak for all congregations, but I know enough that could care less about pioneering or pioneers. I could care less what some young pioneer couple thinks. It's tantamount to creature worship the way they try impressing upon you the status of pioneers.

    Kids dressing up in bible costumes is ridiculous and borderline idolatrous too. The men and women in the bible were just and women. Fleshly people, sinful people. They left behind good and bad examples, and experiences that we can relate to today. We're not supposed to worship them. We're not supposed to instruct our kids to worship them by dressing up like them. It's similar to how the WT discourages youth from idolizing sports stars by having posters in their bedrooms, or tee shirts with their favorite athletes face on them.

    I find it hilarious that they're suggesting the head of the household stick a post-it on the refrigerator door to build anticipation for this arrangement. As a kid, when dad said we're going to DisneyWorld, I got excited. When dad said lets go to Long John Silvers, I got excited. When dad said lets have the family study, I wanted to kill myself just like a bunch of other JW children. Considering how many articles they publish on family worship night, and the need for families to have the family study, apparently a bunch of adults feel the same way I felt as a kid.

  • dozy

    So I am thinking this could be a GREAT thing; I am going to suggest that the wife and I have a


    LOL. I suspect many JW couples will be having a David & Goliath night (one party is full of anticipation , the other has a great big headache.)

    The similarites to the Mormon concept is quite uncanny , even down to the oft-repeated emphasis not to scold or discipline the children during FWN. The only difference is that no-one would ever be depicted wearing jeans , except (very occasionally) a JW on building duty. Only worldly people are ever shown wearing jeans in WTBTS publications - denim is of the devil.

    And if the WTBTS did receive a flash of new light concerning this new arrangement , it very quickly contradicted the wonderful blessing that the congregation book study was up to very recently.

    KM Aug 2007 (I added the last bit!)

    What a blessing the Congregation Book Study is! This loving arrangement from Jehovah helps us maintain our sure spiritual footing during the challenging times in which we live. But we have decided to scrap it and institute a family worship night instead.

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