North Korea just attacked South Korea, wonder where this will head........

by miseryloveselders 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    SEOUL — North Korea bombarded a South Korean island with dozens of artillery shells Tuesday in one of the fiercest attacks on its neighbor since the Korean War ended in 1953.

    There's more to the story, but copying and pasting was somewhat awkward. This could get interesting.

  • bohm

    My guess would be that they eventually piss of china and there is a military coup in north korea.

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    I´ll bet you, North Korea will receive a food aid in response...


  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Looks like we may soon get "new light" on Daniel's King of the North vs. King of the South prophecy. Anything that keeps Armaggedon imminent in the minds of the JW's.

    Think About It

  • BurnTheShips
    My guess would be that they eventually piss of china and there is a military coup in north korea.

    We can dream, can't we?


  • zoiks

    Armageddon, duh!

  • james_woods
    We can dream, can't we?

    Right on the heels of the revelation that they have thousands of Uranium centrifuges for weapons (not just plutonium like the told us)...

    Charles Krauthamer said last night (correctly IMHO) that we have been wasting our time trying to talk to NK or reach any kind of agreement - nothing they sign is worth the paper it is written on. He said that we have to negotiate this with the Chinese - even if it means arming (or threatening to arm) both Japan and S. Korea with nuclear weapons to get the Chinese to pay attention.

  • sabastious

    Damn North Korea, someone needs to go assassinate that leader of theirs.


  • BurnTheShips

    I think Krauthammer makes an excellent point.

    North Korea is a valuable proxy for the Chinese government. It is a pressure point against the American led group of nations in the region (and the US itself.)

    The last thing the Chinese want is the nuclearization of S Korea and Japan. That is a huge bargaining chip that can be used to get them to either lean on North Korea, or give us a freer hand in dealing with them without having to worry about Chinese repercussions.


  • james_woods

    I know the left hates him almost as much as Beck or Limbaugh, but again and again I am reminded that Charles Krauthammer is absolutely the smartest commentator around.

    Of course, unless I am completely off base, I cannot see the current president even considering for one second the nuclear option for S. Korea or Japan - even if it is the only card we have to play. Ditto for the current secretary of state who will "never again run for elected office".

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