Does the WTS state that Dinosaurs were vegetarian?

by God_Delusion 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Leolaia

    This is a replica of one of the larger skeletons with the remains of a smaller Coelophysis within its stomach cavity. Scientists believe that Coelophysis may have been cannibalistic.

  • Leolaia

    Chinese scientists came across 130 million year old fossils of a dog-like mammal. The stomach contents contained the fossils of a five-inch long dinosaur. It is believed the Repenomamus robustus is about the size of an opossum. This mammal swallowed a psittacosaur, a "parrot lizard", which could grow to be six feet long.

  • bohm

    Here is a similar example 250mio years old.

    The logical conclusion is that 250mio years of "scientist" dating correspond to less than 6000 years of "bible" dating, which again conflict with the new light on the creative epochs...

    contradictions contradictions contradictions....

  • Nickolas

    Oh Leolaia and bohm. You people are so silly. That's obviously a pregnant coelophysis with babies in its stomach, and everyone knows all that scientific dating stuff is trumped up false beliefs perpetrated by Satan himself. Those fossils are just 4,000 years old. Tops. And didn't you read what doinmypart said? You people are just soooo gullible.

  • LanDi

    Now the JW answer is ' why are you wasting your time ( our ) time as I'm equally guilty dwelling on pointless silly little arguments and resisting the truth ? We're just looking for an excuse to resist the will of Jehovah. Believe and don't question people - or they'll look at you as a danger to the ( NON ) free thinking fabric - it's like the book ' The Demon Headmaster ' he has fully hypnotised all the children to do his bidding they are robots without free will or thought. CULT *

    I've always wondered about that flea fellow and his parasitic mate the human Head Louse, now these scum feast on blood ( blood remember is sacred to this Jehovah fellow so why would he create any animal that feast on it ?) Did the Headlouse jump species from another creature - or did Adam have the first breeding pair created with him for company or something ?

    * If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, quacks like a duck, chances are it's a duck !20:16:28

  • Nickolas

    or did Adam have the first breeding pair created with him for company or something ?

    Better question might be, why did Noah include them in his collection?

  • God_Delusion

    I don't think Noah realised the fleas were with him on the boat that held around 10 million animals. Which son get's the blame for everything? Is it Ham? The fleas must have been on his head.

    Carlos x

  • eric356

    This, to me, has always been the stupidest thing that the WT has maintained. I've even heard regular, non-critical JWs says that the idea that dinosaurs, not to mention everything else, were originally vegetarian is ridiculous. I stuck this to the elders one time, and they sure did squirm.

  • Mythbuster
  • Nickolas

    Oh shit, mythbuster, but that *is* funny.

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