QFR feb 15th 2010 - lets be honest , we haven't got a clue...

by dozy 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WTWizard

    What happens if, every time they use one of these terms of uncertainty, they had to allow the witlesses to come up with dissident viewpoints and not be allowed to take action against it? If they say "Evidently, Jesus meant", and cannot produce solid evidence, people should be allowed to find evidence for an alternate viewpoint. If they say "Probably" or May", that means people have the right to come up with other viewpoints with the same "Possibly", "Perhaps", or "May". Perhaps they would stop using these terms and then expecting the witlesses to accept the viewpoints under threat of getting destroyed or their lives busted up.

  • Listener

    It appears that , the surviving priests had evidently acted , Aaron may have w ondered , Perhaps he felt , Aaron mayespecially have reasoned , Aaron may have thought , Moses seems to have accepted , Evidently, Jehovah too was satisfied

    They have been slowly using these terms more often but to throw them all in one answer it looks like they are trying to get their readers more used to those phrases. The best excuse ever for later saying - "we never said that"

  • deep-blue-sea

    Who cares for family fights happened thousands years ago????? Who cares for WT assumptions?

    But if today we would write to them asking suggestions to settle family problems, they would say: 'Put everything in Jehovah's hands'...!!!!!!!!!!

    Regards, Claudia

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