I can either go back to the "truth" or stay out and raise a milion questions

by serenitynow! 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • serenitynow!

    I received this message from a JW on JWC@fe, after I asked some simple questions:

    "Miss Jada, every sentence or phrase in the Bible can very easily be turned into a question. It doesnt take much to raise questions. Even Jesus himself left some questions unanswered. You may have some love for the truth that is if you believe that there is a truth out there. May be the we Witnesses dont have the truth that is why you are NOT a witness now. Whatever the case may be, you can make a come-back or decide to stay out and raise a million questions. Whatever decision you take I hope it leads you to true contentment. Many thanks, Miss."

    Questions are not allowed!

  • dssynergy

    Similar response I got from my mom when at 16 I started asking questions...."why are you asking questions? Do you want to do something wrong?? Sometimes people start asking questions when they want to do something wrong..." Needless to say, that was the end of my questioning her - but they have never gone away. I did get baptised (big mistake) and am now trying to make my way out. I have come to the conclusion that my baptism was the trigger for my adulthood depression - I have felt trapped ever since.

    I've come and gone as a JW; the questions may have been suppressed, but have never really gone away. I guess "hiding what you are can go both ways" - hiding the fact that I just don't believe enough - I believe the Bible, but I'm stumbled by the JWs.

    I haven't attended a meeting in over a year - here and there perhaps, but not really. My recent conversation with my mom was "I'm too depressed to go to meeting. I just don't care." Which seemed to work out ok. It will last for a while. Then my next line from here on out will be: I'm depressed and I'm stumbled. Because, to tell you the truth, I am.

    Don't ask no questions....it might make them have to think.

  • wasblind


    Matthew 7:7 encourages us to ask, seek and knock, it says the door will be opened

    1 John 4:1 say:" do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expression to see whether they originate with God"

    mind you now, it said test the inspired expression, The GB claimed they are not inspired, now if the Bible tell you to test the inspired word

    you better darn well test and double test the uninspired word

    now you go back on over there and tell 'em that, get 'em straight girl !!!!!

    they claim they are directed by holy spirit but they say they are not false prophets cause they are not inspired. If they don't believe it

    tell them to look on page 136 in the reasoning book where it states that they are not inspired prophets. you can't separate inspiration from holy spirit, holy spirit is like lightin, when it hits, your gonna be inspired

  • wasblind

    ain't nothin' wrong with askin' questions, the Bible tells you to do it !!!!!!!

    whoop em' wit scripture girl !!!!!!!

    go on now!!!!

  • ColdRedRain

    Truth, LOL! For something to be the "Truth", it has to be empirically proven. Therefore, if you don't ask questions, you don't have "truth", you simply have a social clique.

    You're a threat to their social clique.

  • serenitynow!

    So I said to him: Why can't you just answer my questions?

    It makes me suspicious when I can't get a straight answer, you just want me to take what you say at face value. That is not teaching. If you are going to teach people about the bible then you need to be able and willing to answer questions. Then he said:

    First as I said every sentence, phrase or word can easily be questioned. And Jesus himself did not bother to answer every conceivable question(Mat 21:27). Besides you could chose to invite Witnesses to your home if you want help towards re-instatement. The Kingdom Hall is always there. I know some who continue to come the hall even after they have been df'ed like you. It takes humility, though. But its doable. Thanks,Miss.

    I like how he just assumed that I was disfellowshipped. And since everything can be questioned, he is determined to not answer anything, Then he said this about my friends:

    And strangely most of your friends are blasphemous ex-jws. You have not forgotten 1 Cor 15:33 , have you?

    Nope, but I still have questions that I would like answered. And I don't think that it is appropriate to judge my friends as blasphemous.

    You won't answer questions, but you will judge. Interesting. He did not like that so he ended the conversation:

    Thats all I have to say. Thanks.

    Now I am stumbled.

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    Sounds a bit like my mom.

    Mum- Do you still believe in god?

    me- yes, but blah blah jesus different accounts blah, did you know blah, I think the bible is a human book.

    mum- your saying too many things

    me- and your marking the watchtower (pointing out that she is being a hypocrite)

    But i get that a lot with with JW's, its like their brain shuts down and restarts once your finish, asking for help works untill they find out that you are not genuily asking for help.


    Jehovah`s Witness`s question everyones beliefs but their own..

    Jehovah`s Witness`s are not allowed to Question,what the WBT$ tells them to believe..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • serenitynow!

    "your saying too many things"

    That is one of the funniest things I've heard today!

  • wasblind

    "And I don't think that it is appropriate to judge my friends as blasphemous."

    don't worry none about that, it's what we answer too that counts

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