Paranoia is killing me

by FifthOfNovember 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    Darth - thanks for the James Gang vid!! Nothing like listening to some good tunes while I peruse a thread...

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Congratulations for getting out without a dunking.

    Just walk away. Don't tell anybody anything. Don't answer their questions. If you ever want to talk to them later on in life, their not knowing that you are a closet apostate is an advantage. Don't sqander it.



  • FifthOfNovember

    I don't have any close family in the truth. A few but they will still talk to me.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    You don't need a to DA because that is only for baptised members . You are considered an unbaptised publisher . Once you stop going out in service and counting time you are no longer a publisher .

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    I'm baptized.... should I DA myself? LOL

    Or is it cool Satan is a Baptized Witness?

  • d

    Don't be parnoid things will get better, trust me I was paraniod at one point myself. Live your life and forget those people. That is what I did and I feel happy and free unlike how I did before. So go out and live life and good luck with college.

  • reds

    If you can get a copy of Ray Franz book Crisis of Conscience,please read it,You'll wonder why youy were ever so paranoid. It's your life, do't hand it over to them. People only do what you allow them to do. Your not baptized, theres nothing they can do. Enjoy your life & good for you going to college. I wish you the best.

  • Soldier77

    FifthofNovember, I read your other post on the CO coming soon and made this same comment there:

    You are not baptized, you are not a 'full-fledged baptized' member. They have no control over you. The worse they can do is remove you from the TMS and as an Unbaptized publisher if you are one and are on the TMS. They'll make a brief announcement at the Service Meeting that "<insert your name> is no longer an Unbaptized Witness." Some people might shun you, but most won't as you were never baptized.

    Stop stressing over it. Live your life, more importantly, get on with your life WITHOUT the JW cult thinking hanging over your head. They have no power over you, they only have power if you give it to them, technically, they can't do anything to you that will make others officially shun you.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I went through the same thing. If i did yoga i shut all the blinds... hid all my apostate literature. looking over my shoulder all the time, paranoid that someone would stop by... I do think I got better once I da myself, but i was baptized they have no power over you just live your life and congrates!!!

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