Paranoia is killing me

by FifthOfNovember 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • FifthOfNovember

    When I have "worldly" friends over I am constantly checking the window every time I hear something that even remotely sounds like a car door.

    When I play violent video games I constantly pause the game and look out of the window every time I think I hear a car door.

    When I go to the movies to see something rated R I always look around for witnesses.

    If I suspect witnesses will show up I "witness-proof" the house. I hide 10 out of the 12 x-box games I own. Erase the history on my desktop, laptop, iPad, and cell phone. Hide books such as Stephen Hawking's "The Grand Design"

    I never bring my phone to the KH or any of their houses in case they would look in my contacts.

    This is no way to live. Luckily I'll be going to college next year and I plan to disassociate myself before that. Hopefully sooner than later.

    Side question: If I'm not baptized do I still need to submit a diss letter? I assume so since I've been a publisher for years.

  • serenitynow!

    Honey no. You don't need to do anything to disassociate yourself from the cult. They want you to believe that you do. The only power they have is what you give them. If you don't want to be bothered with them, just walk away.

  • BabaYaga

    You have to believe us when we tell you IT GETS BETTER. LOTS BETTER. And much, much easier.

    Congratulations on college! That will help your mindset immensely.

    You do NOT have to disassociate, that is completely up to you... but weigh the effects carefully if you have family in.

    Love & strength to you during this period of adjustment.

  • Mandette

    Go to college and fade away..........No disassociation letter. Then you keep your family. If you're living at home with parents then your paranoia is normal(I was when I still lived at home). If you live alone then don't worry about it.



  • BabaYaga

    Mandette has pegged it. College is a GREAT way to fade! Just get busy with classes and move to a town & congregation where no one will know you or miss you.

    Fade accomplished.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis
    Side question: If I'm not baptized do I still need to submit a diss letter? I assume so since I've been a publisher for years.

    I love that...... Joe Walsh said it best. Walk Away

    listen to the words .... they might help you out!

  • wasblind

    Yea I remember the paranoia, even while I was goin' out in field service, I continued to watch the soaps

    whenever I would stand in the check out line I would tell my daughter to be on the watch, while I read

    the soap opera digest, she would ask me to be on the watch for her while she checked out holloween costumes

    we were like partners in crime. what a relief it is to do like we want again

    life is good

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    When I went to buy my First Cigar.....

    My hands were shaking LOL!

  • wasblind

    My hands were shaking LOL!

    Damn Darth !!!!!!

  • ziddina

    If you aren't baptised, then you haven't made ANY sort of formal commitment to the group.

    A "disassociation" letter would not be necessary... (Although I'll bet that there will be a few on-board who might dispute this..)

    Think of it this way....

    If you went to an Army recruiting office, read all the literature, but didn't sign on the bottom line, are you a member of the Army???


    Then there's no need to publicly disassociate yourself from something that you never formally, officially joined in the first place...

    And CONGRATULATIONS!!! On having the sense to walk away from the cult before it damages you; on having the sense to go to college instead of dooming yourself to "Bethel", "Gilead", or a dreary dead-end job situation without a decent college degree...


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