How to place your magazines without leaving home

by St George of England 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I have noticed a growing trend for JW's to advertise current magazines and books on the internet using Ebay.

    They are advertised at £0.01, as you cannot start at £0.00 and the buyer is told not to pay when they win the item. If someone else bids on the item then they are told not to put on another bid but to e-mail the seller or wait for another copy of the magazine or whatever. Postage is free.

    One 'seller' from Flintshire in North Wales (UK) has the name brighter-future!


  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    damn, why didnt I think of that???? lol, I should have discovered this site many years ago...


  • LostGeneration

    More witnesses disobeying the command on high to stay off of the interwebs!

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Another good way is to throw them in the trash. There's a good chance, that at some later date, a landfill worker will come across it, and browse out of sheer boredom.

  • Scully

    I bet they aren't getting any bids.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    The direction from The Slave is to only take as many magazines from the K Hall as you will likely place THAT WEEK.

    Our family, when we attend, usually gets about 4 or 5 of each issue and diligently places them....











  • cantleave

    the buyer is told not to pay when they win the item

    That screws the WTS business model of Voluntary contributions from the publisher AND the householder.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    I am planning on actually placing a magazine with someone tomorrow. If it works out, I'll be sure to post the details.

    If the recipient is willing to accept it, I think most JWNers will be proud.


  • Slayerbard

    I know some sisters in my old hall who used to shove them through cracked car windows in parking lots. No joke. She "placed" a 100 magazines a month or more doing this. She would also roll them up like a baton and see someone walking by on the sidewalk when driving and stop and hand it to them...then drive off. LOL

    Wow that person "selling" on ebay is going to go broke putting out all the shipping money on that. Oh well.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    I always read them when I get them. I just can't get them delivered.

    I'd like to see them do an article on where they get their authority to teach, preach, expound, exhort, baptize and instruct in all matters pertaining to the church. And isn't it odd that they never do any such articles? I mean, they flood you with Armageddon articles and the same old stuff (they brought me about seven or eight articles on Armageddon). But in all the magazines I've ever seen, not one dealt with how the slave managed to be called and ordained to the ministry.

    Jesus personally ordained his apostles in his day. "Ye have not chosen me," he said, "but I have chosen you and ordained you." Later, in Hebrews, we're told that man does not take the ministerial "honor" upon himself, but must be called as was Aaron, the brother of Moses. Moses ordained Aaron in the same way Jesus ordained the apostles, with hands on head. So I don't know about anyone else, but I'd sure like to see a lot of articles about how the slave was called and ordained. But there's not one!

    Maybe there will be another Armageddon one!

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