A Social Security question...

by coffee_black 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • coffee_black


    He found her on an internet site... she's a jw. He's no stud. I think he wants her to get a green card so he can put her to work. I feel so sorry for her. She has no idea what she has gotten herself into. They live in a tiny airstream trailer.


  • coffee_black

    double post again...

  • Snoozy

    Aw just think, It could have been you living in that airstream trailer..lol


  • coffee_black

    I know Snoozy.... you have no idea how gratefull I am that I am free of him! Life is sooooo much better without him and the borg! The thought of him benefiting in any way from my hard work... especially since the divorce just makes me want to hurl! I had thought I was 100% free of him! He shuns me, and treats our kids (both out of the borg) with absolutely no respect.... yet if he could get money from me, he would jump at the chance. He has bamboozled both of our kids for financial gain. Neither one of them trust him where money is concerned. He has made it clear to both of them that neither will inherit anything from him... he is leaving what he has to the borg... or maybe now to his wife....not that there is anything to inherit....


  • Snoozy

    OK don't know if this was discussed but I just read that a Ex spouse can receive benefits on your SS as soon as they are 62 if they were married for at least 10 years and have been divorced for at least 2 years and the ex spouse is eligible to collect (62 etc.) . IT DOES NOT MATTER IF THE EX SPOUSE IS COLLECTING OR NOT!

    But a CURRENT spouse cannot collect on their mates SS unless that spouse is already collecting their SS.

    So he can start collecting on yours as soon as you turn 62 no matter what. It will not affect your payout when you retire but it will help drain the aready in trouble SS system BEFORE you retire..


  • coffee_black

    Thanks, Snoozy... it just amazes me...


  • dysfunction

    To coffee black,

    If I was you coffee black I would not worry about it, because they may be changing the age to 69 to collect...

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