How Long Can WT Stonewall The Mounting Evidence For Evolution/Age of Man?

by Room 215 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cantleave

    As long as there are people willing to believe the BS.

  • eric356

    The evolution of modern humans from ancestor primate species about 100-200,000 years ago is a well established scientific fact. The Watchtower and other creationist groups will continue to ignore this evidence and smear science and scientists as long as they see it as a threat to their theology. It does not matter what new discoveries are made. They will only change when their faith-based convictions change. Most mainstream forms of Christianity have accepted some type of evolution so as to avoid being made irrelevant in modern secular areas of society. The Watchtower doesn't seem to care that much about how educated or scientifically-minded people view them, so I doubt they will alter their views.

  • thetrueone

    Where fear and ignorance propagates power, control and money, that fear and ignorance will survive indefinitely until it is diminished.

    We are all born atheists .

  • cyberjesus
    Faith is NOT the "god of the gaps" for everything guys

    Please explain. In which instances Faith is not there to fill gaps? And once again. Scientists do not use faith. That false belief has to be erradicated.

  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    You wrote: "The 607/587 thing doesn't matter because there is NO information that people come across regarding this."

    The 607/587 thing is critical to the authority of the WTS and to its Governing Body. They claim to be the sole earthly representative on earth of Jehovah's Government that began to rule towards earth in 1914. That date is based on a calculation that includes 607 BCE for the destruction of Jerusalem. This is the reason WTS apologists rise so strongly to defend that date. See how much effort their JW doyen Furuli expends on the subject.

    I suggest the reason that JWs are not provided with any information is to keep them in the dark. It's a form of "theocratic war strategy" being waged by the WTS towards its followers. The WTS is seeing an increase (modest and certainly not spectacular) which could be jeopardised should the sheep be advised that there is a need to defend the date. Keep it quiet, sweep it under the carpet, keep the troops ignorant, and it will go away and not cause a problem.

    When is the last time you have seen a detailed defence of 1914 based on the chronology and interpretations of Daniel 4, Ezekiel and Jeremiah that they employ?


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The January public rag is about Eden and alludes to geneticists acknowledging that "...all humans likely descended from only one male and one female."

    Conveniently forgetting to mention, of course, that they also say that was 200,000 years ago....But your average Dub doesn't care about honesty. I have had my Dubs defend such 'cherry picking' when cornered. They have no scruples at all when it comes to defending their cult.... and they know that I know that they are dishonest.

  • ProdigalSon

    Black Sheep, all bets are off when it comes to what Jehovah can do. He only made it APPEAR to be 200,000 years ago to test our faith in his "Word", so he can annihilate anyone who doesn't believe it at the Big A. Global deluges can really mix up the fossil record ya know.

  • simon17

    The 607/587 thing is critical to the authority of the WTS and to its Governing Body. They claim to be the sole earthly representative on earth of Jehovah's Government that began to rule towards earth in 1914. That date is based on a calculation that includes 607 BCE for the destruction of Jerusalem. This is the reason WTS apologists rise so strongly to defend that date. See how much effort their JW doyen Furuli expends on the subject.

    I'm not saying its not an important piece of information. I'm saying its not an important concern to the JW Brass. To be a problem two things must exist:

    1) You're wrong (check)

    2) People must have a way of being confronted with the fact that its wrong.

    You dont learn about the destruction of Jerusalem in school. There are no TV shows about it. No one in the general public knows (or cares) when this happened. So there is no reason to ever really question the date... therefore it is not an important concern.

  • wobble

    Exactly Simon17,

    That is why we should never pass up the chance to publicise it, even on here , we may seem to go on about it too much, but the point is if a casual reading/lurking Dub is confronted with it, they will have to try to defend the indefensible in their own mind.

    Can they prove from the bible or historical facts that the FDS were chosen in 1919 ?

    No, so the present day GB are lying about their basis for authority, they are self-appointed charlatans, with no right to pontificate on anything.

  • jam

    I once ask A friend that have A bachelor degree that attend church regular, how long ago

    did adam live? His answer no one knows, records wasn,t kept. OK how about Jesus?

    Well around 2000 yrs. ago. OK if you go backward from Jesus birth and his genealogy

    you come too A time of 6000-7000 yrs. He said come on, are you crazy thats insane

    Man age 6000-7000 yrs. Well that what your church believe. You will be suprise how many

    people have no clue when Jesus was born or what is the difference in AC and BC. The

    they do not connect the dots.

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