JWs @ The Movies: Did you ever...

by Open mind 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    ...know the exact layout of lower Manhattan so that whenever a Bethel building even momentarily flashed upon the screen you'd go "LOOK, LOOK, IT'S THE WATCHTOWER!!"

    I did. About the only cool thing about JWs was the awesome chunks of real estate they had in Brooklyn Heights.

  • cantleave

    God yes I did - I hang my head in shame!

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Yes while I was watching NYPD Blue, which I wasn't suppose to be watching! NMKA

  • smoresz

    Haha no i didnt know they exact layout but i would look for the big red letters read your bible daily anytime i would see pictures from NY or sometimes in a movie. I also have viewed the property through google earth. A friend I once had gave me post cards from bethel thinkin it would encourage me somehow seein pictures of buildings and people wearing safty glasses boxing magazines....lol

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    One very ho-hum movie from the mid-80s, Legal Eagles, starring Robert Redford, Debra Winger & Daryl Hannah had a LOT of shots of Bethel buildings in it.


    Which brings up another aspect of JWism and movies.

    How closed-lipped were you to other JWs about which movies you had seen?

    I remember when Legal Eagles came out, I was still living in a VERY conservative area of the US and there was a bit of a controversy among the local JWs because some were saying "Oh, have you seen Legal Eagles? You should! It's got lots of shots of Bethel in it." And of course, in any congregation, there's going to be someone who will take issue with any movie. Elders even got drug into the fray because some JWs hadn't learned the lesson not to blab your movie viewing habits all over the Kingdom Hall.


  • DanaBug

    My dad used to do that. He'd get all excited and rewind it to make sure we saw it.

    I remember a pretty liberal elder owned Braveheart. Historical violence is okay, but not sex, lol! He would hide it out of sight if he knew someone weak was coming over. I used to sneak R-rated movies home and download them off Kazaa. When they started saying from the platform Lord of the Rings was demonic...that was about the time I'd had enough. My mom still took us to see everyone of those movies in the theatre. She thought it was pretty ridiculous too. And yeah, we were careful who we told, especially since dad was an elder.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Anybody ever walk out of a movie?



  • letsslatejws

    The elder I knew of LOVED Last of the Mohicans !!!!! Now how he got away with that I DO not know....

    I went to watch Pocahontus and was made to feel embarrassed for watching it all the way through as other sisters had got up and walked out ! I learnt to keep my mouth shut regarding which films we watched....

    A sister I know only ever watches films with a U rating. She has never watched anything else with a higher rating as she considers it to be inappropriate !

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Wow, letsslatejws! JWs walked out of Pocahontas?!?

    The most embarrassing time for me was when I was strong-armed by my parents into walking out of a "PG" movie when I was about 12 years old. Walking out all together was bad enough, but my Elder-Dad had to make loud, self-righteous comments in an effort to shame other JWs in attendance to follow suit. None did.

    My siblings and I all vowed to never go to a movie with our parents again.


  • elderelite

    wow.. i'm clearly the black sheep elder in organization.. i took a group of guys to see kill bill, one and two.. I saw all the matrix movies at the theater.. hurt locker was awesome... cant think of any movie that I wouldnt go see...

    and no i dont spread it around.. the group of brothers i go with all understand the game and know to keep it quiet

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