Brothers Be Happy - WT Study for October 25-32, Earnestly Seek Jehovah's Blessing...

by jgnat 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cantleave

    Debator - how is it "god inspired"?

    Where in the bible did does Jesus say the preaching should be done Door to Door?

    The term door to door is found three times in the NWT?

    Twice in Acts: Acts 5:42 Acts 20:20

    Greek word translated in these scriptures is Kata Oikos

    Translated : Kata = According to Oikos = House

    Other translations use the term: “At home” “private home” or “in every house”

    The reference bible acknowledges this in its foot note of Acts 5:42

    The Greek term for House to House would be: Oikia eis Oikia literally House To House

    This term is found once in the bible Luke 10:7. Here Jesus uses the term – but not quite in the way that the WTS says he commanded them; he in fact states: “Do not be transferring from house to house”.

    So where is the "god-assigned" aspect of the work?

  • DanaBug

    If given a secret ballot, how many would check a box labeled "my field service work is my life's greatest joy"?

    Oh, I think many would check it. But isn't that how they're told to feel? How many realize they're lying to themselves? I used to pioneer, I used to feel that way. I was helping people! But nevermind that there are far more effective ways to reach people and help people that don't involve angry householders, scary dogs, or so much money and time. If the point is to spread the good news of the kingdom so everyone can hear it, how many people do you actually talk to going door to door? Are you really reaching everyone that way?

  • ssn587

    I have never had a problem telling the elders and others who ask, that the door to door work is a complete waste of time. Boring, unmotivating, and uninspirational. And hardly god assigned. now where in the bible does it say all have to ministers, or that all have to go city to city, door to door or any others nonsense. It's only a publishing company that wants you to do that, donate $$$ for their literature (i'm using that word recklessly) and if you get a donation as you are suppose to intimate they do, then by gosh you have to give that money to the WTBTS too. The door to door is and always has been a $$$ manking scam.

  • jgnat

    Here's a thought; if it is boring and burdensome, it is not of God! The early church had many roles and many assignments depending on the talent and ability of its members. The modern WTBTS does not bear much resemblance to that early church, and very few roles. Congregation members are told which roles will give them joy. A bad fit, like an ill-fitting suit, will never become comfortable or a joy.

    It's a Witness myth that regular Christians have it easy. Just because we are having fun, doesn't mean we aren't working hard. Case in point, , . Here's a thought. The yoke is easy and the burden is light if the Christian is fitted in the right (divinely inspired) role!

    I love Blondie's articles, and I have no need to repeat what she does. I do have a need, however, after previewing this stuff, to purge it. Yaay for JWN and a voice.

  • Sapphy

    Quoting debator Watchtower style "Is it boring(?) ... definitely" .

    Absolutely agree.

  • WTWizard

    If people were encouraged to do a "reasonable and prudent" amount, it would avoid this problem. What is "reasonable and prudent"? It is such that it does not create undue hardship on the people doing it. If you are continually cutting back on necessities, unable to pay basic bills, lack time to do necessary repairs to your home, or are always sick and/or tired, it is not "reasonable and prudent". And "reasonable and prudent" means different things to different people. One person might have a job that pays $900 an hour, is very non-demanding and mentally stimulating, and excellent physical health. Such person might be able to reasonably and prudently do 120 hours a month. Another person, with a grueling job that barely makes ends meet, and is sickly, might struggle to do 1.2 hours a month.

    But, when Jehovah and/or his organization (real or fake) starts insisting that someone else can do 200 hours a month and you are therefore expected to, there is a real problem. Is it possible that the organization, or Jehovah himself, limits what we can do by not generously supplying all our physical needs BEFORE they become critical? What if Jehovah were to make sure ALL of our physical needs were generously and promptly fulfilled? Then, it might be possible for such people to reasonably put in as much as 200 hours a month, and joyful at that. But, when Jehovah is grudging and stingy, it not only limits the amount the person is reasonably able to do, but makes it all fake.

    Additionally, when you have nothing to show for your hard work, it makes it that much less joyful. One day, I budgeted a boasting session's worth of time to rig up Halloween lights in the hallway. Including installing clips in many places, I got professional-like results with virtually the whole thing installed in that amount of time. Had I instead wasted the time going to the boasting session, I would have accomplished absolutely nothing. And other tenants in my building would have had a more dreary time, including visitors coming all the way from who knows where to see them only to be let down. And, all it takes is one visitor from New York City to see my lights and then wonder why department stores there don't do it as well for me to start making big bucks--which is significant incentive to master the art of putting the lights up properly. Which is more than can be said about going to the boasting session.

  • Ding

    If the WTBTS wants to test JWs on this, all they have to do is stop keeping field service records or at least stop recording which publishers did the field service.

    If they did that, what percentage of JWs would immediately stop doing it at all?

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Debator, is it 'joyous' just because someone says it should be? You're not a mind reader, so I doubt you know what someone else feels. Your answer just sounds like regurgitated retro from the publications.

    How many witnesses would honestly admit that they find absolutely no joy in the preaching work. They would never openly speak of how oppressive and burdensome it is to be a JW. Instead, they prefer to put on a brave face for outward appearances, while wishing they were somewhere else doing something more enloyable.

  • booby

    Not sure if Debator speaks from experience or not, I do. I was in for pushing 40 years over 10 as servant or elder, which meant often I was stuck taking the lead in a car group. I can honestly say that it was something I did under duress and I know for a certainty that the majority of others had a similar experience. If it were not for the coffee break that often stretched to half an hour or more many would not have been able to make themselves go.

  • cantleave

    The Watchtower says it is Joyous - therefore you must say it is joyous.....

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