JW's are not nice people

by Nickolas 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nickolas

    fabulous video. Touché!

  • WTWizard

    The witlesses are programmed to be in everyone's business. You do something, they need to know about it so they can report it to the hounders. Then the hounders, far from reasonable, will beat them into doing more field circus or because they did something "wrong". They are continually coming up with rules to make it more difficult or miserable than necessary.

    Besides this, there are those who have various "codes", based loosely on the Mosaic Law. You are supposed to use specific brands of things, do things at specific times, and obey numerous other stupid rules. Of course, none of it is based on common sense--the brands they specify are never the best, or the best value, and the other rules always result in bad consequences. When something goes wrong with their "code", they do not modify it or learn from their errors--and neither do they allow you to learn from these problems.

    Honesty? Since when do the witlesses have the monopoly on being honest? Cheating another "brother" out of $5,000 and then getting that other "brother" in trouble for it is not exactly my idea of being honest. They go to great lengths to boast about a witless returning large sums of money. What they don't say is that many worldly people will also return such money--in fact, in the US, if you find $20 or more, you are supposed to report it. What about the times when they find money, and then insist that it be left on the ground (someone else is going to find it, not the rightful owner) or put in the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. I actually found $200 once in the direction folder of an air conditioner I bought from a witless, and the dingbat made me put the whole thing into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund! No one was allowed to actually benefit from that money.

  • 3dogs1husband

    Hi Nickolas

    The JW's are TRYING to be nice to be nice to you....to win you over with their good conduct. True enough I bet they have even had lil chit chats about it behind your back, talking about how when they are around you they will do this or that to show you how wonderful, and loving they are. Give that Good Vibe!

  • brotherdan

    There are many nice JW people.

    The thread should be:

    The HEAD JW's are not nice people.

  • cameo-d

    I knew a JW who advised me to do something that was illegal. She was "in the business" and said she did it all the time.

    I knew a JW who stole from his JW family, deliberately and deceitfully.

    I knew a JW who told me how some elders had hit him up for money to buy a property to build a KH while he was "on probation" (whatever you all call it) and when he "contributed" the money he was soon reinstated. Eventually they turned the property and did not ever build the KH.

    I imagine there might be some decent folk who are JW, but even among those I have been told that anyone who is NOT a JW is like "fair game" for whatever deceitful practices they use. I guess that's what they mean by "theocratic warfare". To a JW, it is "allowed" to take advantage of someone who is not a JW because---why? They are "heathen" or something?

  • VampireDCLXV

    No, it should be JW leadership and JW social climbers are not nice people...


  • brotherdan

    I was a JW social climber...

    And I admit...by doing that...I was NOT a nice person.

    I hate how I treated other people.

    Really...really good people.


    Most relationships are conditional. This includes relationships in business, at work and with family & friends.

    Being accepted as part of the JW brotherhood or sisterhood, is conditional. We each agreed to these conditions when we joined. Later we changed our minds and left. JWs are nice people provided you keep the conditions of the friendship.

    Leavingwt - referred to the 'CULT personality that you must contend with...' This is what makes the JWs conditions of any relationship particularly unrealistic. They are not allowed to decide for themselves and amend the conditions as they mature. They must obey! Do as they are directed. This robs many of them of their innate compassion and kindness, particularly towards those who develop doubts about their faith.

  • cheerios

    when i was trying to be a good little JW social climber ... i refused to treat other people in the way i deemed disrespectful and unfair, in particular the way several of those in the leadership roles were acting. i wouldnt do it. therefore, i never got promoted. i used to wonder all the time why i never was appointed. i'd always volunteer to do more, do more service, etc. but simply because i chose not to be petty and to not kiss the asses of the elders ... that's when i decided that they are not nice people.



    when i was trying to be a good little JW social climber ... i refused to treat other people in the way i deemed disrespectful and unfair...

    You were a nice person while you were a JW and there are other JWs like you.

    Every church or organisation has its share of nice people and its share of cretins. In a cult the cretins outnumber the nice people. They have the potential to be nice but are forced to herd together and do as the shepherd commands - or leave the flock.

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