Anyone remember the stupidist of talks?

by letsslatejws 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • therevealer

    fokyc - did they specify which century - I know they meant 2075.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    The talk where I felt the stupidist was when giving a 20 min SM talk on masturbation with the CO in the audience. A woman had told the CO she masturbated (yeah stupid her) and then the PO assigned me the special needs talk. Being a young elder at the time and wanting to do right, I gave the damn talk. You should have seen all the people squirming in their seats trying not to make eye contact with me.

    Think About It

  • therevealer

    Think About It - Fun times at the local kookoo house - AKA kingdom hall

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I very specifically remember the heart/emotion talk or WT study. I was 14 years old. We were visiting my JW relatives in Anderson, SC. I was starting to wake up but I was VERY confused since I had been raised since birth as a JW. I thought this was the STUPIDEST most IGNORANT, most UNacademic article and talk I had ever heard. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. And everybody was just sitting there nodding there heads and agreeing with it.

  • carvin

    There are so many things said that it's hard to point to the stupidest, but here are a few things I've heard. Mind you these were in the mid 90's and not recent.

    1) At a convention, "We have no broken homes in our organization!"

    2) Also at aconvention, "Mary the mother of Jesus was an unbeliever"

    3) A CO named brother Christ, on a cong. visit, spent almost an hour and a half talking about John 1:1 and was berating the congragation for not fully understanding the predicate noun BS. Heeven at one point said the if we don't get this we have no business calling ourselves JW, as this Biblical understanding is basic, blah, blah, blah

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Therevealer.......welcome to the forum. Nice to have you. I'll go back and check your other posts out.

    Think About It

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