New here..

by breakfree 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • grewupjw1969

    Welcome Breakfree..

    I can truly identify with you. So so much. WOW. I am glad you have had your eyes opened and can see clearly now.


  • Bangalore



  • 1Robinella

    "perverted elders to talk about her first kiss with a boy."

    humm...sounds familiar. Why did the elders need so much detail? It was so wrong on so many levels that your parents, your protectors, kicked you out at such a young age. At 16 your still a baby. You shouldn't say sorry for posting this information. It probably feels good to get it off your chest. It doesn't make it right for the boy you kissed was 18, you know the drill (18 & 13) he should have known better. You made the right decision to leave the organization and move on with your life. Although you had no control or no choice in the matter growing up, you definately have choices now on how to raise your children and to live your life. Thank god, you all left. Move on, be happy and breath...

    If the elders DF you guys, really don't stress on it. Throw your hands up in the air, have a beer and celebrate your liberation.

    One thing you will notice is that a lot of people have gone through so much and your definately not alone...welcome friend.


  • cheerios

    welcome and thank you for sharing! i stopped attending meetings some 10 years ago but didn't start the healing process until about 2 years ago. best thing you can do is find a good therapist and just purge all that crap from your system. it really is a religion full of narrow-minded BS ... just get rid of it.

  • BabaYaga

    Hello and heart-felt welcome, Break Free!

    You said:

    My oldest daughter is 12 or 13 and all of a sudden something inside me just clicks. I see her so young and innocent. I could never imagine asking her at this age to make a decision (to be baptized) that will affect her for the rest of her life. She's just a child! And I cannot imagine for the life of me sitting her in front of a bunch of perverted elders to talk about her first kiss with a boy and then allow them to start humiliating her and asking her sexual questions!!!!

    Wow. HOW RIGHT YOU ARE!! What happens within those walls and within those families (and within those minds) is truly sick and twisted. I am so very happy you broke free! Believe me... it gets better and easier.

    We are glad you are here.


  • Lozhasleft

    Breakfree - Hello and welcome your story is so typical of many but so very sad. Enjoy this forum I'm sure you'll find it a good place to be.

    Loz x

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Welcome thanks for sharing your story.


  • Heaven

    breakfree...welcome and thank you for sharing your story. The more people who speak out the more people will be helped.

    I cannot imagine for the life of me sitting her in front of a bunch of perverted elders to talk about her first kiss with a boy

    This is supposed to be one of the most wonderful moments of your life. JWs want to take beautiful life events and turn them into ugliness. They are truly twisted.

    My husband admitted to me that he never believed it but he lived it to be with me.

    Wow! This guy really loves you... hang on to him. HE should be your priority and not some man-made organization that's trying to destroy all that is wonderful in life.

    Welcome also to Shrek and catherinedrew!

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    Welcome breakfree,

    My daughter had to sit through a jc even though she was not baptized, she felt soiled afterwards. I woke up three years ago and went to see the danish movie Worlds Apart about a jw girl and her family, I was with my daughter and we were both crying when they showed a jc scene. I did not know how bad it had been for my daughter and she was 18, I cannot imagine how horrific it must have been for you at 13.

    Hope you continue to heal and move on, it took me two years to get it out of my system to the extent that I now have peace. We have a great family life now and I shudder to think of how it used to be.


    Chicken little

  • snakeface

    You know what I don't understand?

    We read about all the atrocities committed throughout human history - Hitler's concentration camps, today's crime, all the deaths and suffering from diseases, millions of children dying every day from hunger...and we're told that Jehovah does see but it is not His time to act yet. He has His appointed time, just wait.

    But...God forbid a teenage girl should kiss a boy, God forbid a teenager should masturbate or his sideburns be a little too long...well all of a sudden the angelic armies are immediately up in arms, the heavenly courts are looking on as the judicial committee RUNS to act speedily and execute divine judgement against these vile evildoer teens that are contaminating the congregation...gotta take care of this right now.....

    these elders are mentally ill.

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