If We Were to Take the Flood Account Literally..

by Yan Bibiyan 92 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover

    Doctor Who? Really?

    Seriously... I think we need to put you under the Cone of Silence (Get Smart)

  • TD
    A wooden ship of any length is going to leak as well. I don't remember reading anywhere where God instructed Noah to install a bilge pump.

    That's an interesting subject in and of itself. Even the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria had bilge pumps and these were not large ships. (Santa Maria was ~72 feet bow to stern. As ships got larger, bilge pumps got larger and more elaborate as well. By the 19th century, bilge pumps had a flywheel and multiple pistons and took at least two men to operate. Larger ones were operated either by steam engine or by a donkey on a treadmill. Were talking about iron castings, bronze bearings, pillow blocks, brass cylinders and pistons --metallurgy that has only been possible in the last few hundred years.

  • OnTheWayOut

    If you don't like Dr. WHO, don't bother with this video. Otherwise, this explains (sort of) how the ark could hold so much:


  • truthseeker

    Yan Bibiyan

    Only Noah and his family were found righteous. There may have been more than one reason for this. His bloodline may have been uncontaminated with angelic DNA. It would have been unthinkable for God to have his son come from a bloodline of giants/Nephilim.

    The Cherubs were the front line defenders prior to the flood brought upon this planet. After Adam and Eve were forced out of Eden, God ordered the Cherubs to guard entry to the garden, and a flaming blade of a sword, which was continually turning, was to guard the way to the tree of life. During those thousand years, countless tries were attempted to gain entry to the garden but these were thwarted. Due to the flaming sword, it was impossible for any of the fallen angels to raid the tree of life and retrieve the fruit for their wives. The fruit would not have benefited the Nephilim because they were not covered under the original covenant which mankind had with God. It would have benefited the fallen angel’s wives as well as the wives of the Nephilim.

    Noah was commissioned by God to preach to the human race, warning them of the coming flood and that they were to board the ark if they wanted to survive. He preached a condemning message to the Nephilim and their wives, and the wives of the fallen angels, that the marriages were unholy unions; that the Nephilim were outcasts of God’s creation, and they would all perish at the flood without chance of survival. The fallen angels that had taken on bodies of flesh were not part of that judgment. They simply dissolved the bodies and went back into heaven. There, they were handed out judgment by God for their part in corrupting mankind. Noah’s message was very distressing to the Nephilim, their wives, as well as the fallen angel’s wives; so, it became necessary for the angels to provide front line protection to them during the preaching work and until the flood came.

    The story of the fallen angels and the Nephilim can be found in the Book of Enoch, which was originally left out of the Bible because of fobts about its authenticity.

  • bohm

    The story of the fallen angels and the Nephilim can be found in the Book of Enoch, which was originally left out of the Bible because of fobts about its authenticity.

    I cant believe why anyone would doubt such a reasonable story!

  • undercover
    Noah was commissioned by God to preach to the human race, warning them of the coming flood and that they were to board the ark if they wanted to survive.

    Where does it say that God commissioned Noah to preach and warn them to come to the ark if they wanted to survive?

  • BurnTheShips
    Were talking about iron castings, bronze bearings, pillow blocks, brass cylinders and pistons --metallurgy that has only been possible in the last few hundred years.

    The Shadoof is probably the earliest known pump, and even it is probably not effective enough to clear the bilge of such a large wooden vessel. You'd need a dedicated team of people to man the thing all day long. 8 people is definitely a skeleton crew.



  • james_woods

    Strange - in a way - isn't it that the very tree of life proved to be mortal when it was killed during the flood?

  • undercover

    Thanks, TD and BTS. The bilge pump thing has always bugged me about the ark. When you start to learn about the great wooden ships and realize they always leaked...and they were thousands of years advanced in technology, then the ark story is pretty leaky itself.

    And I wonder about ballast as well. Would a flat bottom barge need ballast? Maybe the large animals acted as ballast, but is it reasonable to expect elephants, rhinos, hippos and Marlon Brando to be restrained and cooped up in an area where the methane gas would have killed the cargo before the trip was up?

  • notverylikely

    I did not say anyone was preaching in Sodom.

    Exactly! You did mention it in relation to Noah warning the world and Jonah warning the Ninevites, so it seemed prudent to point out that both of the other examples involved preaching and that one did not, so not sure why it would be relevant.

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