"Birthdays rob the glory of God"

by sabastious 202 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • debator

    Baptism has pagan ties with other groups, birthdays are of pagan origin. One Jesus did (he got baptised) the other he had nothing to do with and under inspiration not one apostles gave Jesus's birthdate why?

    Where the early Christians wrong not to celebrate birthdays?

    BTW why are you mixing items with actual celebrations? these are two different things and not comparative at all.

    The difference is between what we have to put up with under the authority of this world and what our heart motivates us to celebrate under Jehovah's rule.

    I have never hankered after the greed and over-indulgence of these feastdays. The innocence of youth is soon lost in the excesses of later years with these celebrations.

  • Joshinaz

    I celebrated my birthday and no one got beheaded!

    Like I said earlier a good portion of people on these forums reject religion and any pretense at belief in
    God yet they fully embrace birthdays and Xmas, Why? because they know themselves these feastdays
    have absolutely nothing to do with God or his son Jesus......debator/Reniaa

    So your logic is..

    People who don`t believe in God..

    Celebrate Birthdays and Christmas,because they know those celebrations have nothing to do with God..


    I`m curious..

    Did you have to take a Course,to Say Things that Stupid?.

    Maybe went to Stupid University and got your "Stupid Degree"?..

    Yippee!..I have a "Degree in Stupid"!..

    I`m gonna go on JWN call myself Reniaa and say Stupid Shit!..

    Then I`m gonna change my name to Debator and say more Stupid Shit!..


    ................................. ...OUTLAW

  • designs

    My grandson's birthday party was a blast. We rented a blowup junglegym for the little ones, everyone brought lots of food and the afternoon was filled with family, friends and lots of little ones running around.

    I'd say the Big Sky Power was happy to.

    Grandpa designs



    Thats cool..Little kids get sooooooooo excited..LOL!!..

    ................................. ...OUTLAW

  • palmtree67


    I have never hankered after the greed and over-indulgence of these feastdays. The innocence of youth is soon lost in the excesses of later years with these celebrations.

    Well, I am honored to be in your prescence, as you are clearly a better human being than everyone else here. I bet you thank God every time you pray, that you are not like the rest of us sinners.

    Oh, wait.....that was a Pharisee......

  • BluesBrother


    This link provides credible evidence that J W's did celebrate birthdays right up to 1951 ( I have not researched it, but it sounds authentic)....Certainly in my childhood they were not available to us. My Mother couldn't understand why, but accepted it as part of the package of her new beliefs..

    They say that it gives undue prominence to one human being....So What? ....Where is the harm in making a little girl feel like a princess for just one day in her year?

  • kurtbethel

    This is nonsensical thinking, like saying that a candle can rob the glory of a nuke bomb explosion. Would God channel such nonsense? Not any God you would want to worship.


    I have never hankered after the greed and over-indulgence of these feastdays. The innocence of youth is soon lost in the excesses of later years with these celebrations.

    Debator has made a good point here. Every birthday celebration I have been to has involved drunkenness, binge eating and sexual excess of the most depraved kind. Greed and self destruction are stamped right through these pagan occasions. The sacrifice of virgins is what finally brought me to my senses.

    These excesses have robbed me of my youth, vitality, Adonis looks and innocence. The worse part of it all is that this time could have been spent pre-studying my Watchtower for the pre-study.

  • debator

    Hi designs

    People can have fun parties for many different reasons. The point of birthdays and X-mas is they are Pagan and nothing to do with honouring God.

    Children can have parties with family without the sacred feast-day tag. It doesn't (shock horror) have to be fixed on the annualised day of their birth to be relevent as a family gathering. Why is "BIRTHDAY" always emphasised?

    For me gift-giving is more real and poignant from someone thinking of you if it hasn't the forced obligation/expectation of these feastdays on it.

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