Doubt they hide child abuse.....put those doubts to rest today.

by Momma-Tossed-Me 24 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    Baba: you are welcome, I started reading it and it was like a train wreck that I couldn't stop looking at, carnage everywhere.

  • Incognito

    Maybe each local Child Protective Service and District Attorney office should each receive a copy, with the relevant sections highlighted.

  • sabastious
    If the accuser or the accused is unwilling to meet with the elders or if the accused continues to deny the accusation of a single witness and the wrongdoing is not established, the elders will leave matters in Jehovah's hands.

    Why not leave everything in "Jehovah's hands" by allowing the individual to act on their own feelings and accord by going to the authorities and leave the elders out of it?


  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    Silly Sab, Jehovah can't do anything without the elders, don't ya know.

  • Incognito

    Sabastious said:

    Why not leave everything in "Jehovah's hands" by allowing the individual to act on their own feelings and accord by going to the authorities and leave the elders out of it?

    Better yet, encourage and assist the individual to report the matter to the local authorities.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I would have said that it's obviously a book for janitors, by janitors.

    But any non-JW janitor would know when it's time to call the police to sort out the facts.

    Watchtower needs to leave policework to professions, so they have more time to focus on leaving litteratrash in laundromats.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Did I kill this thread?

    JWs really need to recognize the validity of forensics and encourage crime victims to get to the police, and often the hospital, ASAP. In this day and age, there are many tools that professionals can use that are far more accurate than the stone age "two witness rule".

    Underneath their supposed concern for victims, Watchtower is more concerned about PR and trying to sweep such unpleasantries under the rug.

  • cantleave

    Billy the ex - Bethelite

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    Don't worry Billy when I comment on other peoples threads the same thing happens to me. Nobody really knows me so their is no motivation to respond.

  • carvin

    And if the letter in the file is sealed.....nobody knows whats in it..........why woulda new committie have a reason/clue to open the letter and see if it involves child abouse accusations? BS they need to be open about this and if they were it would be good all the way around.

    1- no more children put in unnessasary risk.

    2- it would tak away all our ammunition on this subject.

    3- It would put other pedis. on notice that the WT in no longer a sanctuary

    4- it could possably encourage other religions to do the same.

    We know it will never happen as their image means more to them than their children.

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