What do you think the WT's ultimate irony is?

by sabastious 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    That although the GB is part of God's only mouthpiece on earth, they are not inspired when they speak or write in his name.

    Think About It

  • sabastious
    BUT yet, Satan is sooo powerful that you can't even listen to an apostate because you could be poisoned so quickly. So what is it? Who's information is more powerful - Satan's or Jehovah's?



  • LockedChaos

    god and satan do not exist

    and nobody gives a crap...............

    Those who have a need for religion

    find it much easier to belong to a group

    that isn't so controlling........................

    The WT is insignificant in the grand scheme

    of things

  • unshackled

    Hilarious vid Sab. The battle of good vs evil started a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away!

    Makes me think of another irony...the battle for universal sovereignty is taking place on this little speck of a planet, on the edge of an obscure little galaxy on the edge of the universe? As Carl Sagan would say in Pale Blue Dot "the earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena...a fraction of a dot". This is where the two most powerful beings in the universe are duking it out?

    Only the small mind of man would come up with such "imagined self-importance...the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe".

    Never tire of Carl's words...



    The ultimate WBT$ irony?..

    Printing millions of copies of WBT$ literature..And..

    Have 98% of it,stored in JW basements and spare bedrooms..

    Embarking on world wide Public Preaching campains..And

    Attacking anyone on the internet who prints the same WBT$ literature for public viewing..

    Is the WBT$ Frigg`n ReTarted or What?..

    They could set up Franchise Schools around the World and teach "Stupid"..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • unshackled

    Thought I knew how to embed videos. Guess not. Not smrt.

  • cyberjesus

    That they are Witness of a God that doesnt exist.

    That the name Jehovah is actually wrong

    they have never seen Jehovah and cant really say they are witnesses of him.

  • antes8080

    for me is there stupid sugestions on wasting time and go preach like fk cant go anywere would out them telling you to preach to ppl its anoying,,, and who actually follow those sugestions?

  • sabastious
    battle for universal sovereignty is taking place on this little speck of a planet

    Funny you should mention universal sovereignty. I just made a video on it:



  • sabastious
    Thought I knew how to embed videos. Guess not. Not smrt.

    You have to make sure it's an actual link. Paste the link then select it and press the "link" button and then paste the url again into the dialog box.


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