What do you think the WT's ultimate irony is?

by sabastious 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    Off the top of my head it would be the fact that they say that Satan's world will brainwash you when you leave the WT.


  • brotherdan

    That even though they gave "False Prophecies", they are not "False Prophets" because they admited that they were wrong when the prophecy didn't come true.

  • snowbird

    In the past, they've stated that apostates bitterly gnash their teeth at WT; now, as witnessed with the KS book, it's WT that is gnashing its teeth at apostates!

    Tee hee hee.


  • Joliette

    I would say that their own publications are coming to bite them in the ass...especially when most 'so called apostate' literature thats out is quoting directly from their literature that they (The Watchtower) printed only like 10+ years ago.

    Another irony is the internet. The internet is the WTS worst enemy. Along with their old publications, faulty bible and questionable past.

  • Joliette

    Another one:

    That their truth is only the current truth, and that their 'truth' is subject to change @ anytime, when new light is introduced.

  • Joliette

    That even though they gave "False Prophecies", they are not "False Prophets" because they admited that they were wrong when the prophecy didn't come true.

    Yeah this is the biggest tongue twister...when a person prophesizes something and it doesnt come true...thats a false prophecy. Plan and simple. But the watchtower calls it 'an error.'

    Speaking of errors, do you guys think the Watchtower is going to talk about 'The Millions now living will never die' series of talks, 1925, 1975, etc?

  • brotherdan

    I think they made an excuse for it in the proclaimers book. Can't remember...

  • believingxjw

    I think the Watchtower's ultimate irony is that they have become the very thing they preached against: the Pharisees of Jesus' day whose rules and regulations smothered the love for God and brother.

  • unshackled

    That the truth is a bright light...that the truth will set you free. That Jehovah's word is the most powerful thing in the universe.

    BUT yet, Satan is sooo powerful that you can't even listen to an apostate because you could be poisoned so quickly. So what is it? Who's information is more powerful - Satan's or Jehovah's?

    Irony is I always thought fact was fact. Would you be afraid of listening to someone try convince you that gravity doesn't exist? No...because fact is fact, truth is truth. Curious that "the JW truth" is so susceptible to being disproved!

  • unshackled

    The media thing. They say the whole world is in Satan's control...including the media. So if you hear something bad in the media it is Satan lying because he controls the media. Okay, fine. If that's a given...Satan is doing a piss-poor job with all that power. How often do you hear negative things in the media about JWs? Hardly ever, if ever. JWs pretty much fly under the radar. If Satan really wanted to run them out of business, there would be stories all over the mainstream news about the fraudulent and corrupt JW organization.

    Funny he doesn't use his media power for any of that....isn't it?

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