Elders Wives/kids

by exwhyzee 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • brotherdan

    I agree cameo-d! I thought that at the time too. I was thinking about someone that had been abused and was being asked these questions. That could totally send someone deeper into PTSD or depression.

  • mamalove

    I do know of an incident where the records were stolen from a local KH. I believe they were returned after some time anonymously.

    The questions they ask are so invasive. I am sure they are aroused when talking to people about their sexual escapades.

    Magwitch, I am LOL right now!! Brodan, I cannot believe you didnt get in trouble for some hanky panky with a married woman!! You little devil you!

  • snakeface

    My experience has been that in some congregations the elders wives/mothers-in-law tell the elders what to do. They actually run the congregation. Things such as meeting times, what day/time to clean the hall in preparation for the Memorial, Kingdom Hall decor, who gets to work with the CO. If they don't like your clothing or grooming or the way you pronounced a word on the platform, they have the elders talk to you about it.

  • brotherdan

    I was a crazy little kid. I still am. But I've got some better self control now. What would YOU do if you were 18 and a GORGEOUS 22 year old was all over you?

    ANYWAY!!! Sorry...

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    "...What would YOU do if you were 18 and a GORGEOUS 22 year old was all over you?"

    Then you apostate guys question that this really is "The Happiest Place on Earth". To me, the above radiates happiness

  • happyexjw

    What I dont understand is why they need to know all the in's and out's (excuse the pun) in graphic detail....I was in a simular situation to brodan when I was 17, with an elders son. Had a JC round his dads house and the dad sat in on it as well as the 3 elders....can you beleive it....so embarrasing!! They asked far to many intimate questions mostly aimed at me. Why did they need to know... we both admitted it..job done!! but for some reason they wanted to know just as many details as brodan. Wished I had the courage & insight to tell them, yes I did but the intimate details are none of your F'ing business.

    I agree with everyone, they definately get of on all the details.....Sick!!!!

    Good point magwitch....very simular to pornography.....bet the elders fight it out amongst themselves who is going to sit on the JC to Bro & Sis immorality hearing........compared to dealing with a potential apostate who baffle them with facts, evidence and common sense.


  • wannabefree

    I think most elders would be uncomfortable asking the questions. I never had to sit on such a committee, but I am sure I would have asked the questions even though I felt awkward. This is an organizational mandate, to establish the severity of the "sin" ... they are looking to identify intent, premeditation, did it get to the point of being considered porneia ... sure, some might get a thrill from asking such questions, but I would have cringed ... so I must conclude most other elders would as well ... after all, I am NORMAL.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Getting back to the original question. My husband had files at home. He must have had his elder's manual at home. But I never looked. It was private. Somewhere along the line privacy became a crucial issue for me. I never even thought of looking. Didn't know anything about an elder's manual. And he never talked to me about things.

    Usually I found out things from the other elders wives

    As for those personal questions. They must be pretty standard. Some of the ex-elders here have apologized for having put people through that.

  • happyexjw

    Wannabefree - I respect what you are saying and I dont want to hijack this thread but I would like to respond by saying of course they would feel uncomforatable and of course you would feel awkward as its not natural to ask intimate questions about another persons sex life, because this is personal to the couple. Any NORMAL person would not show such an interest in another persons love life in everyday life by asking was it the left breast you fondled or the right...did you touch/ suck her nipple etc, etc, out of respect for person you are talking to, you just wouldnt do it otherwise you would be regarded as some sort of pervert.

    As you said its an Organisational mandate.....the biblical mandate is based on the actual sin itself not whether a person rubbed genitals on the outside of the clothes or not . What is natural is the way our bodies are designed, we are natuarally designed to procreate, we are inbuilt with these bodily reactions to a touch, kiss etc. Intention or premediation does not come into it especially in a loving relationship, unless your being abused or raped then it would be classed a premeditated or intended..but if a couples body's naturally respond to eachothers touch or kiss and our natural response it to procreate then there is no premeditaition involved. You said its to define the serverity of the sin, as sin is a sin which ever way you look at it. What the elders should be more concerned with is did it happen or not and if they are repentant or not, the rest should be your consience between you and Jah.

    Like you said you have not been the subject to a JC, so have never been put in that unatural situation, but i am sure there are many on here that can relate to that hummilating degrading questioning, especially when you see them at the KH the next week.

    Im sorry but in my personal opinion, they have no rights to ask such intimate details, they certainly dont ask each and individual step a person took to smoking, like the way you touched the cigarette packet, did you pull the cigarette from the middle of the packet or the side of the packet, did you caress the cigerette as this is irrelvent, they just want to know did you smoke or not.

    It is wrong, not needed and can affect a person emotionally and psychologically.


  • pirata
    When they asked me if I only rubbed the outside of her vagina or stuck my fingers inside I remember saying, "...awkward!"

    You should have said "I'm not sure how to describe it, but I can demonstrate if you like."

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