Even when you think you're out, you're not...

by undercover 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    I wonder if they have access to information that could, at some point, be used for nefarious purposes beyond hounding you to death. Suppose you ever made a donation to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund with a check or debit/credit card. Now, one day they have access to your checking account or card number and take it upon themselves to withdraw funds out of your account for the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. Or, one day the hounder-hounder comes and does not like the drop in publishers, and attempts to pursue people under "breach of contract" clauses. The baptism may become viewed as a legally binding contract to give everything to them, which cannot be cancelled.

    Or, perhaps some dingbat in the congregation has the stupid idea of pulling you back, regardless of how they have to do it. All they need is to contact one hounder that has access to this information, and from there it's only a matter of time before they strike. If the information would have been destroyed, that couldn't have happened unless the dingbat knew you personally. And, all it takes is for one little piece of "new light" from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger or a ruler in a country that allows them to pull the "legally binding contract" sxxx on one occasion, and these possibilities are very real. Again, it would have been impossible had the records been destroyed, save for that the person is disfellowshipped.

  • sd-7

    Really, now. They're not the Corleones or something. If you don't tell them where you're moving, the only way they could know is if they are actively following you or tracking your information somehow. Even if that were true--and it might well be, in some cases--they can do...what, exactly?

    Still, it could be a cause for concern if a random elder in the congregation's territory you move to is a creepy type who might want to stalk you or something. But the probabilities--dare I say--are against that. The late, great Raymond Franz did say that files of DF'd people are kept even after they're dead, so is this much of a surprise? The slightest chance of re-recruiting [to make up a word] willing slaves is worth the extra storage space. Just ask my wife. Oh, wait...you can't, she's back in. See what I mean?

    They've got their own little world to manage. Leave 'em to it; they'll leave you alone if you leave them alone.


  • 1Robinella

    Interesting reading. But for me, I don't care if they DF'd me or not. I definately won't loose sleep over it.

  • jamiebowers

    I don't give a rat's ass what records they have on me! They're a bunch of loons.

    I'm beginning to think that MAYBE this is a cult.

    LOL, Leavingwt!

    They've got their own little world to manage. Leave 'em to it; they'll leave you alone if you leave them alone.

    Creepy but true, SD-7.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    However, a brief letter should be sent to the body of elders in whose territory he lives to inform them that a disfellowshipped or disassociated person lives in their territory and to provide his address. This will enable the local elders to follow through and make yearly visits on this one if he qualifies.

    How are they going to know what your address is? It could only happen if you have family or friends that are still JWs who give your address to the elders. Otherwise, you've got nothing to worry about.

  • elderelite
    They're not the Corleones or something.

    really.... I dont know who's worse.. the mob may kill you but dubies will try to make you suffer your entire life

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    You are out when you are out in your own mind, not when you are out of their files.

    The information they hold in their files is only embarrassing if you are embarrassed. What can they know about you? What can they say about you?You masturbated or fornicated with someone? So what. Welcome to the masturbating, fornicating human race. You and 7 billion other people.

  • CuriousButterfly

    They're not the Corleones or something.

    Exactly! Keeping detailed info on the supposed wrong doing is like we are living in the then Soviet Union. They probably get their rocks off reading the judicial meetings.

  • chickpea

    keeping the files of a dead person who told
    the b0rg where to stick it???

    bwahahahahaha... great use of time and resources
    here in the time of the end.... it is that time, isnt it?

  • crapola

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