Even when you think you're out, you're not...

by undercover 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover

    Sometimes we debate about which is better - to fade...or to DA/get DFd.

    There are pros and cons to each method. Faders like to say that they're not playing by the rules and can still associate with family. DAers say that they are totally free and can speak their mind and celebrate their holidays as they see fit with absolutely no retributinos.

    I see the advantages of both sides and understand why one chooses one path over another. We each have to do what's right for us or our family.

    As a fader, we probably understand that our cards are still on file and that our folder is kept. But according to the elder's handbook, the records and cards of DFd/DAd people are kept as well.

    Chapter 7 - page 101,102

    The judicial committee should promptly inform the branch office of the disfellowshipping using the appropriated forms. When making the report, read and carefully follow the instructions on the form.

    Upon conclusion of the case, the chairman should place only necessary notes and documents, a detailed summary of the case, and the S-77 forms in a sealed envelope for the congregation's confidential file. Elders on the committees should preserve nothing on the outside of this sealed envelope (including personal notes). On the outside of the envelope should be written the wrongdoer's name, the names of those on the judicial committee (with the chairman indicated), the action taken, and the date of the action.

    Apparently this applies to DAd ones as well as Chapter 9, page 110 says:

    If an individual is determined to disassociate himself, then the committee would prepare a summary of the alleged offense(s) and the evidence of such. This would be kept along with the information regarding the disassociation. If the person later requests reinstatment, these matters would need to be considered with him at that time. (this paragraph was instructing how to proceed if someone DAd during a JC hearingn for wrongdoing).

    Now here's the interesting part. You've DAd or you got DFd. You're done. You're free and clear. These fucks don't own you no more. But...

    Chapter 10 - page 114,115:

    If the elders learn that a disfellowshipped or disassociated person has moved, they should not send his Congregation's Publisher Record (S-21) cards or the confidential file to the congregatino where he lives or attends meetings. Since he cannot share in the ministry, the congregation that took disfellowshipping action or acknowledged the dissassociation should retain the cards. However, a brief letter should be sent to the body of elders in whose territory he lives to inform them that a disfellowshipped or disassociated person lives in their territory and to provide his address. This will enable the local elders to follow through and make yearly visits on this one if he qualifies.

    So even though a DAd individual has expressed either in writing or in word that they no longer want to be associated with Jehovah's Witnesses or be called one, their records still exist on file in the congregation. Not only that, but where you go, it's possible that people will be alerted to your presence. Imagine that. You've DAd. You're apostate. You've said on no uncertain terms that you want no contact regarding this relgion...yet without your knowledge...or consent...your past is following you around...to strangers that you could give a shit about that could show up one day on your doorstep.

    Interesting how when someone wishes to join the WT religion, they are expected to have had their names removed from whatever chu rch or religion they were once part of. So - you expect people to purge their name of their past church but once you join the WT/JWs, you can never purge your name.

    And here's a scary thought. Even though these records are supposedly sealed, any elder with access to the file can open it and read it. I have it on good authority that this actually happens - not that we should really be surprised. Without details given, I know an elder who pulled the record of a person DFd over 10 years ago, read the report, and then shared this info with a third party. The DFd person had left the WT world behind long before this elder lived in the area and the third party wasn't even a JW.

    Even when you think you're out, you're never really fully, completely out. A record of you exists in WTland forever.

  • HintOfLime
    Even when you think you're out, you're never really fully, completely out. A record of you exists in WTland forever.

    Meh. Who cares. I'm sure the mortgage lender who serviced my home loan still keeps records of that... but that doesn't mean I still have a mortgage or own a home.

    EVERYBODY and EVERYTHING keeps records anymore. If a JW has knocked on your door and you don't answer, they keep a record of that (even if those records are usually 'lost' after a few months.) Why should I care if a 'record' of me is sitting in some kingdom hall filing cabinet collecting dust for all eternity? That record has no power. It's just some notes about me by self-appointed nobodies with over-inflated egos.

    If I take notes about the posters here, and put them in my filing cabinet - does that mean you're stuck in Hint of Lime land forever?

    - Lime

  • brotherdan

    a brief letter should be sent to the body of elders in whose territory he lives to inform them that a disfellowshipped or disassociated person lives in their

    territory and to provide his address. This will enable the local elders to follow through and make yearly visits on this one if he qualifies.

    Sick sick...they won't leave you alone. But how would they know where/when you moved? You'd have to tell them. Sad that you have to be sneaky to escape, huh?

  • cyberjesus

    When I was around 11 I remember reading the files since my dad had them (that year he was the secretary) I remember reading so much crap. it was like a porn novel.

  • leavingwt
    Even when you think you're out, you're never really fully, completely out. A record of you exists in WTland forever.

    I'm beginning to think that MAYBE this is a cult.


    Hey UC..

    What else would you expect from the WBT$..

    If your DF`d in WatchTower World..Your considered Dead..

    The all powerful WBT$ likes to think they have Control of the Dead..

    "I`m Dead"..


    "The Watchtower still Controls Me"..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • fokyc

    That is very strange;

    Some time ago I applied under the Data Protection Legislation in the UK for ALL mention of me in the Cong records. They sent me copies of letters to and from the branch BUT NO copy of my record card, they claimed they had not got one.

    But oddly in ALL the correspondance they refer to me as Brother fokyc!

    I am mystified by their rules etc. Am I in or am I out?

  • undercover
    It's just some notes about me by self-appointed nobodies with over-inflated egos.

    If it were just notes, like date of batism, date appointed/removed as pioneer, MS, or elder and date DFd/DAd, then it's not a big deal. I'm with you on that. And for some people it may be nothing more than that. But others may have all kinds of personal stuff. Stuff they thought they were sharing with spiritual shepards...men appointed to heal them. Confessions to things that otherwise is not known to anyone else.

    I do realize that for the most part, that most elders don't follow up on the rules as stated in the book. They don't keep up with when DFd/DAd people move and all that. Nor do most look to misuse the information.

    It's not the reality that's the issue though...it's the intent and the possible misuse. We know that this isn't a spirit-directed organziation. These mostly uneducated self-appointed men with over-inflated egos have collected quite the array of embarrassing information about certain people and hold the key to really being a shit later on, if they so choose.

    Maybe I wouldn't feel so strongly about it had I not seen the result of an elder breaking that seal and sharing that confidential information. It was eye-opening and disturbing.

    I'm beginning to think that MAYBE this is a cult.

  • leavingwt


    Somewhere in there, it says the following:

    "Calls should not be made on active apostates"

    That covers ME. I'm known throughout the circuit as an active apostate. I've assisted several people with an exit.

  • undercover

    LWT, yea I remember reading that.

    Congrats on helping people escape... Yours is truly a life-saving work... LOL

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