"God Put it Into My Heart"

by leavingwt 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    For those who've had God put something "into your heart", please describe the experience. Please be as vague or specific as you'd like to be.

    Was it unmistakable?

  • PSacramento

    Well...sometimes it is low key, like when we are about to do something we KNOW we shouldn't and we hear that little voice saying "don't do it..."

    Yes, our conscience is that part of God that is left within Us.

    Other times it is as subtle as a bus coming through the front window of a house, LOL !

    What it always is though, is "light" and never "dark", God never puts anything in our hearts that will hurt Us or any other person ( one of the ways to tell if it is God or "something else").

  • Ding

    I've had experiences like that.

    Examples might be things I've said or refrained from saying in reponse to various posts.

    I pray about it and sometimes I have a definite sense of what to say or not say.

    I don't claim to be infallible; I realize I might be wrong.

    Every such impression needs to be tested by the Bible.

    For example, an inner conviction that you ought to dump your spouse and start a new life with your secretary wouldn't pass the test.

  • CandleLight

    Yes, I have. Yes it's unmistakable.

    How is that for vague. :-)

  • undercover

    God hates vampires...

  • PSacramento

    You know that Vampires are basically Chirst wannabes:

    Drink of my blood for eternal life.

    Of course Dracula's real name was Judas Iscarot.

  • leavingwt

    I'm enjoying your responses.

    Someone mentioned prayer, so now I would like to ask this, too: Does God sometimes put something into your heart, even when you haven't prayed? In other words, does he he sometimes put these things into your heart at an unexpected moment/place?

  • Lozhasleft

    Yes I have. Yes it was unmistakeable, definitely. Yes it was totally unexpected.

    Loz x

  • undercover
    You know that Vampires are basically Chirst wannabes:

    Actually, Jesus was a vampire.

    He told his followers to drink his blood

    He had supernatural powers

    He went 40 days without food

    He was executed but didn't die, he disappeared a few days later

    But he must've have had access to fairy blood because he was able to withstand the sun (reference: True Blood)

  • snowbird

    I've had so many of those experiences, that I can't think now of anything specific.

    As PSac said, it's always good and beneficial things.


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