Latest SAD--More Higher Ed Bashing. Did you know it's one of Satan's False Refuges?

by Cadellin 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cadellin

    Well, folks, this little mermaid just got back from the SAD she had to attend w/her husband so as to keep a measure of peace (we're in the process of working out know how it goes) I was pretty mad by the end of the day (thank god it ended at 4:00) mostly because I learned some NEW THINGS that I would never have guessed in a million years.

    Did you know that Satan is setting up artificial "refuges" as a counterfeit to Jehovah's "true refuge"which is...HIS ORGANIZATION??? Now Satan's "false refuges" are pretty damn bad, like, for instance, "Independent Thinking." No, siree bob, we don't want none of that!! Oh, and also "Higher Education." Now that one really caught the mermaid's tail. Did you know, good people, that if you have a University DEGREE, you are damn lucky to even have a job??? That those worldlings that espouse the benefit of getting a degree don't tell you, but that in this economic downturn, "in one country" (this is an exact quote), over 750,000 jobs that don't require a degree are being done by people with degrees??? The whole implication was that if you have a Bachelor's Degree, you are in WORSE SHAPE financially and job-wise than those smarties who opted out of the whole silly education thing.

    When the Bethel speaker was spouting this nonesense in his deep, fatherly tones, I looked around the audience thinking to myself C'mon, this is absolute moronic nonsense. Surely I'm not the only one seeing it for what it is... And folks were just nodding and taking notes like crazy.

    When I got home, I immediately jumped on my computer and did a little research--turns out there's a whole shitload of recent research showing that the employment gap b/t those with college and those without is WIDENING in this economic downturn--that if you don't have a degree, the chances of you being unemployed in the US is around 2.6 times GREATER than if you had one. And as for that silly little anecdote about "one country where 750,000 jobs are being done by people w/degrees" I felt like standing up and saying, "Um, so what kinds of jobs are the people w/o degrees doing??? I mean, if the jobs that DON'T need degrees are being done w/people who are admittedly overqualified, then what's everybody else doing? Oh, right, they're not doing ANY KIND OF JOB. They're UNEMPLOYED!!

    Sorry for the rant. The stupidity got to me....Thanks for listening.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Sorry you have to waste a weekend only to hear such a load of crap. I would love to stand my perfect little JW nephews up there on the stage to see what a high school education will get ya and how totally miserable there are. Hope your compromises are working and your poor family wakes up soon! NMKA

  • Cadellin

    Just wanted to add--I'm in the midst of applying to Ph.D. programs.


  • Cadellin

    Thanks, no more. I'm actually getting kind of good at blocking it out. I took my note pad and worked out the outline of a postmodern short story I need to do for a class. Looked like I was taking notes like a bitch!!!

  • xelder

    In my opinion....what gets a job is a good work ethic. Of course, some jobs require degrees period.

    It is not the degree that fails is assuming that the degree alone gets them a job.

    Wrong....first and foremost is proving yourself an indespensible employee

    If a person with great work habits also has a much the better.

    Having owned and run a company with well over 100 employees....that's my input

    By the way...I have no degree thanks to Me, Knorr, and F.Franz.....wish I had one

  • Cadellin

    xelder, I totally agree. Please don't misunderstand me--I'm not implying that a degree is a make-or-break thing. My biggest problem is the blatant dishonesty in the Society's presentation of the information, using it as a blunt instrument in hammering the R&F down and preventing kids raised in the truth (well, anybody, really) from having the freedom to choose whether they want higher education or not. And, right or wrong, the stats show that it increases your chances of employment, generally speaking, and of earning more. Obviously, things can swing wildly in either direction on a case-by-case basis, as your own example shows.

  • baltar447

    While I see the WTBS' comments on college as being ridiculous, I also see that college is overrated. It's a big moneymaking business for colleges and universities that enslaves people deeper in dept. I think what would be best is expand the idea of apprenticeship to many other fields and focus less on just having a degree, any degree.

  • xelder

    I knew exactly what you meant and am in total agreement. My comments were just an addition. They frustrate me to no end...and I am proud to say that I personally never put that crap on a platform in all my years on the platform

  • Ding

    It's really a weird feeling when something is obvious to you and no one around you sees it at all.

    As the late Rod Serling used to say, "You have just entered the Twilight Zone."

  • dysfunction

    Heh he u are so bad... for the life of me, whenever I went to those meetings, I thought I was the only one who didn't get it is good to know I was not alone. Why is it I have a feeling that there are alot of people like us, but they keep quiet for fear of trouble... Hmm now that is food for thought.

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