Any of you have one of these?

by bottleofwater 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MrMonroe

    An elder I know spends his whole shaking his head and looking sad about what the world is coming to. And yet every passing milestone of mankind's descent into deeper degradation fills him with a greater sense of satisfaction. Sad, really.

  • bottleofwater

    It's like some people in my hall who live in rags for a future that will never occur for them.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    9/11 was a HUGE one and now lookie, next year will be the TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE EVENT. And they have the NERVE to quote the ridiculously controlling "Jehovah is not slow" scripture as rebuttal.

  • ninja

    nolongerwaitings mrs

    you said your brother in law watches the news with great relish

    could you get the recipe from him?

    the relish I eat while watching the news is horrible......much appreciated

  • WontLeave

    Granted, it was in not in my district; it was in a very poor area. It seems like ghettos are filled with JWs. I only went because I was getting reinstated and missed my convention. But, when the new song book was announced, people all around me were breaking down in tears over it. It was my first DC in many years and I was like "What is wrong with these weirdos?" And the elders have obviously been ordered to play up the new idolatrous songs, because I've heard over and over how great the new songs "from Jehovah" are.

    So, obviously, the Creator of the universe has lousy musical taste on top of no idea of what a "generation" means. I've started reading the WT articles ahead of time for the first time in my life. This way I know which meetings not to attend, so I won't be seen gagging, snickering, or rolling my eyes at the exceptionally idolatrous and stupid things it says.

  • letsslatejws

    so Wontleave - Why wont you leave? What keeps you attending any meetings at all ? :)

  • mimimimi

    My mother is that kind of person. When that minister in Florida wanted to have the Qu'ran burning day, my mother thought that was going to set off the destruction of Babylon the Great and bring on Armageddon. When they were going to start getting the kool-aid version of the watchtower, she said "I think this new watchtower is going to be something special!" She about has an orgasm over every new little thing and is constantly looking for signs of the beginning of Armageddon. It is just sickening.

  • bottleofwater

    We should seriously add another definition to the word orgasm, just for this purpose.

    orgasm - noun - a logically void state of religious ecstasy - When Sister Sanders heard about the newest songbook, she had an orgasm right there on the seat and she had to go to the ladies room right away.

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