If the' Watchtower' had a reality show about finding a new Governing Body member...

by Joliette 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joliette

    What would it be like? Behind the scenes of one of the world's most odd and secretive religions? Who would get 'kicked off' first? What would be edited and what wouldnt? (( Just joking, in a funny mood today with it being Friday and all)).

  • ninja

    a sort of "theocracys got talent"

  • brotherdan

    I would SOOOOO watch that. The elimination challenges could be pretty amusing.

  • Markfromcali

    That's very creative. :) Of course, I wonder who would fall asleep first - one of them or me.

  • Joliette

    Omg I could picture Theodore Jaracz voting people off one by one...

    'Your not spritiual enough to be apart of this organization!!!'

  • Joliette

    LOL @ All of your comments! That would NEVER happen, but it would be intresting to see what goes on 'around and behind the scenes.'

  • ninja

    who would be holding jaracz's body up a la "weekend at bernies"?

  • Joliette

    @ Ninja...PLEASE STOP!!! YOUR MAKING ME FALL OUTTA MY COMPUTER SEAT!! Yeah, Jaracz would still be there.

  • brotherdan

    They could set something up with a hidden camera to see HOW spiritual each one was.

    They could seat a potential GB in a room, have a hot girl come in to flirt with him and see what he does.

    Or they could set up a hot and steamy hot tube where all the potential GB goes at night to gossip...kinda like Jersy Shore.

  • ninja

    they have 7 doors in front of them ....and have to place as many watchtowers as they can in a minute....at the same time they have to breakdance

    without dropping any of their literature

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