JWs REFUSE to Reason!

by brotherdan 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • moshe

    I tried to used the same Mormon tact on my JW wife- she refused to watch a video exposing Mormon false teachings and discussions by ex-Mormons. Yes, you are treating her like a toddler, she knows exactly the trap you have set for her and she is too smart to fall for it. The fact is it's a trap and she is not going to get caught.

    I came to the conclusion that my JW wife had the right to believe the WT dogma and she had the legal right to divorce me ( no fault divorce-1989 ), so I decided to let her go her way and I went my way. I have to report that after she got rid of me and she found out the elders wanted to know why she was spending her Saturday nights at a C&W nightclub with new worldly girlfriends. She told the elders it was her life, her business. Another trap, and she was too smart to fall for it! Funny how she decided to fade away from the KH, move and marry a worldly man. Maybe she did hear what I was saying to her after all.

  • cantleave

    If it was easy to get JW's to reason, everyone here would have freed their families.

  • Farkel

    What Max Sweeney said.


  • believingxjw

    It is hard to leave a religion that has meant so much or is comfortable and feels safe. Look at how long Ray Franz remained even though he witnessed all the problems for himself. To expect our family members to get up and leave just on our word or that of others is to expect them to do what even Ray could not do after he was put out of Bethel.

    Our friends and family need time.

  • little witch
    little witch


    Just remember, she is trained and believes that only a "weak christian"tm, would listen to an apostate.

    And this also, responses such as "whatever", and "I'm so over this" are generic slang for "I don't know how I feel about what you just said yet".

    I detect a bit of YOU matter in this as well. I am glad to hear it. Right on dude.


  • Ding


    Bohm reports that a January Watchtower contains the following statement:

    "Even in religiously divided households, loyalty brings rewards. A sister with an unbelievingmate says: “I am so thankful to Jehovah for teaching me how to be in subjection to my husband and have deep respect for him. Staying loyal has resulted in 47 years of sustained love and respect.” (1 Cor. 7:10,11; 1 Pet. 3:1, 2) So work hard to make your marriage mate feel secure. By your words and actions, look for ways to reassure your mate that to you, he or she is the most important person on earth. To the extent that it depends on you, do not let anyone or anything come between you and your mate."

  • kurtbethel

    Another family casualty of the Watchtower.


  • mamalove

    This won't be solved overnight Dan. I can so relate to your wife's sarcasm and marterdom type of attitude. This is NOT about doctrine. This is about LIFESTYLE. She is mourning the lifestyle she has set in her mind as what she "should" have.

    She is irritated that she has to: Get the kids in their little suits for the meeting -By herself, Pack the diaper bag with proper amounts of cheerios and goldfish-by herself, pack a blanket so she can nurse the baby in the mothers room-by herself, in the winter she has to drag two little ones by herself....she is so mad that she thinks she is going to have to do it all by herself, when she is home with the kids all day long. New mom's are so frustrated and tired that taking care of kids, althoug rewarding is a CHORE. Going to the meetings is TORTURE with little ones. Even getting herself ready has to be a drag.

    She is upset about not being a cute little family with daddy coordinating his tie with his sons. She is upset about APPEARANCE and the ease of life.

    From what you have said, she is not religious. This is not about 607 BCE, her responses are not even pointed at religion. She is upset at the extra responsibilty she feels by default she has to bear.

    So change that up. Her lack of faith in the doctrine will work its way to the surface. My heart breaks for you. #1, it is so hard to have little ones and maintain your sense of self and happiness, even though they are so loving and fun. #2, you are rocking her cushy world. She is a SAHM, her comment about being an amazing mom, that is so bizarre, that isnt up to her to label herself an amazing mom, you should tell her that or others. You are messing up her image of white picket fence. So step it up so ITS NOT AS BAD AS SHE THINKS. Take those boys out yourself, give her a break, she is tired and resentful as a lot of moms are when the kidlets are little.

    PM me if you want to talk. :)

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    ^ That sounds like experience talking. Pretty damned insightful.

  • mentallyfree31

    Talking to a person under mind control is very similar to talking to a rock that you pick up off the ground. I have had many conversations over the last 6 months with active JW's. The idea that their beliefs could be wrong won't even register. It's like a computer program that gets hung and won't process. They just keep repeating the same things:

    (1) Where else can we go?

    (2) The light is getting brighter

    (3) You know this is the truth.

    (4) Who have you been talking to?

    (5) If God didn't choose this organization, then who did he choose?

    (6) You will never find true friends in the world

    (7) You will be miserable

    And then they just start over at the top and go through them again.



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